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Christen immediately feels in her guts that someone she cares about is in danger. Voices were all around her, whispering the same thing:

One... More... One... More... One... More...

Her whole body shivering, she gets on her brother's car and starts driving very fast, burning a few stops and red lights along the way - either way, the cops were occupied in dealing with a serial killer, so they had other things to think about than a girl driving like a mad woman.

When approaching the Black Forest, where the voices were getting louder and louder, Christen finally sees it: two or three ghosts floating above her, but not caring about her presence. Rather, they were floating toward another goal. 

Christen stops the car at the entrance of the forest, right next to the river, before her blood runs cold: the shadows were there as well, and they, for one, had seen her. 

"Christen!" a voice yells behind her.

When she turns around, she sees Tierna and Sam running her way, out of breath. 

"What the hell are you doing he-" Christen starts, confused.

"Get on the damn car and shut up!" Sam orders, panicked. 

They go back inside Christen's car just in time, as the shadows approach even closer.

"Start the damn car!" Tierna orders, out of breath. As the car roars, the brunette adds: "We gotta follow the ghosts!"

"What?" Christen asks, frightened.

"We'll explain later: just, DRIVE!" Sam screams, as Christen pushes the acceleration pedal. 

The tires screeched, as the blades at the end of the shadow's long fingers spiked the car's roof, almost touching Sam's head. Screaming in terror, the three girls just look around, as the ghosts were descending to a particular spot not far from there. Christen therefore leaves the road onto the grass, deciding that, given the state of the car right now, a little safari through the trees wouldn't be that bad. 

After thirty seconds or so, the girls spot Crystal and Shelina getting surrounded by ghosts, closely followed by shadows. 

"What the..." Tierna lets out, out of breath. 

But Christen has another reflex: she spots two banks, and concentrates. As soon as she raises her hand in front of her and closes her eyes, the girls hear a noise, as the banks are lifted from the ground, proposed toward the creatures. Obviously, they go right through the ghosts, but hit a few shadows along the way, that just reform only seconds later. 

Tierna, on the other hand, groans as the trees around Shelina and Crystal suddenly move, getting all around them creating a natural shield that wouldn't last long, sure, but that would distract that creatures. 

Sam's eyes go wide. 

"Holy shit, since when you two became superheroes? And where are my damn powers, uh?" the blonde exclaims, her eyes going wide. 

"Sam, get down!" Christen yells, but it is too late.

One of the shadow had just grabbed Sam's arm, planting its nails/blades inside her shoulders, as the blonde screams in pain - and Abby wasn't there this time to stop them. 

Suddenly, the scenery changes: the shadows just burst into dark fogs, surrounding Christen, Sam and Tierna, cutting them from the outside world - as well as Shelina and Crystal, who was badly injured trying to get the blonde out of the ghosts' way. Her stomach was bleeding, despite Shelina applying some pressure on the wound: one of the trees's branch Tierna was controlling just touched Crystal. 

There were no more ghosts for now, as the shadows were around them, but not in their usual force: this dark shield wouldn't let them out of the zone, and when someone walks through them and appears slowly, the girls' jaws drop: Kelley O'Hara, her eyes are red as Abby's when she is using her powers, was laughing loudly - a laugh that would make their blood run cold because of its signification. 

Before either of them can say something, Kelley exclaims:

"Well, I have been trying for weeks to get you all in one place without my sister

Christen immediately understands in regard to the information she guessed from the old drawing of her grandmother:

"Abby" she lets out, her breath getting cut short, "Abby is your sister, 'cause the prophecy couldn't predict there could be twins..."

"You've always been the smartest of the crew, haven't you, Pressy?" Kelley sarcastically lets out, amused. As Tierna and Sam exchange a look in confusion, she smirks and adds: "She was the only one able to protect you from me, so now I can finally fulfil my part of the deal."

With that said, she points at Shelina, who gasps in horror. 

Kelley's hands, now on each side of her at the height of her shoulders, away from her body, start glowing, as the same shadows that would surround the satanic creatures emanate from her fingers, getting bigger and bigger each moment. 

In the meantime, Tierna thought that now was the right moment to win them some time:

"I don't get it: what's in it for you if you kill the witch's heiress?" she asks, knowingly asking a question she already knew the answer to. 

Kelley smirks.

"Oh, Baby T, you could've fooled anybody, but me : you're too smart not to have figured it out yet."

"If you kills the witch's heiress, you will replace your father on his throne and gain his powers" Christen settles, as everybody's faces turn toward her, confused.

Kelley dramatically winks at Christen, before exclaiming:

"Bingo! Now, She-She, if you don't want me to kill 'em all, including your little girlfriend, you better be smart and come with me without resistance."

Crystal weakly grunts.

"D-Don't" she tells the blonde, grabbing her arm with the strength left inside her body.

But Shelina already decided of her fate.

She slowly gets up, as Tierna takes over Crystal's wound's compression, ignoring Crystal terrified groans. Kelley wines in victory, before extending her hands in front of her, as the shadows start charging within them once again. 

But Crystal had gotten up, pushing Shelina out of the way, getting on the shadow's path, ready to die for the love of her life. 

Time stops, as Shelina screams: her eyes suddenly get white - a very glowing white, a colour that usually does not exist - and her scream resonates on the souls of every person present here. Light emerges from her whole body, pushing the shadows and their master away, making them disappear, as Kelley is projected on the ground meters away. 

Shelina's body started to fade when Sam and Christen each grab one of her arm: and they all face, as if they had disappeared the surface of the Earth...


Sam wakes up in the same place she only was seconds ago, but this time the sky was red, and it was pouring. Next to her, Shelina and Christen slowly get up as well, grunting in pain - Christen even throws up, as Sam gets up slowly.

After a long and meaningful silence, Shelina asks:

"W-where are w-w-we? W-w-where are the others?" 

Christen stares at her, before declaring:

"I think you transported us in another dimension..."

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