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Shelina faces her mother, the Goddess, as well as her evil step-mother, the very woman who got her human mother killed.

As the sky was now filled with dark clouds, and that heavy rain was imminent, they were only three on the roof of Westside High School, as if nothing could prevent fate from happening tonight. Ashlyn was staring right into her daughter's eyes, but there was no emotions whatsoever from both sides - only Ali was resentful, probably wanting Shelina dead since she found out about her wife's affair with the Virgin Mary. 

The wind was brushing Shelina's long hair, as her clear eyes were locked on her target: tonight, nothing would make her change her mind, although she knew that, in Sunnyvale, nothing ever goes according to plan. 

While Shelina patiently waits, her mother finally speaks up first:

"Finally I found you, my daughter" and, while her eyes were still as unemotional as ever, the Goddess continues on a much stronger voice: "For centuries have I been longing for your arrival in the kingdom, and yet I have been let down over and over again. Never would I have thought my creation (she makes a big gesture around her, indicating that she was referring to Sunnyvale - aka a living metaphor of Heaven and Hell) would uncover some of the most guarded secrets in the universe - even guarded from me, the omnipotent."

"You mean, The Five, Satan's daughters and thousands of abandoned souls you left behind?" Shelina asks, sassy as always.

Ashlyn smirks, while her wife starts getting even angrier. Nevertheless, it is the blonde who continues her speech:

"Anomalies, yes. Their presence here has been hidden because you were there too, unconsciously hiding from your family. But this time has come to an end: Sunnyvale is to be destroyed, and it is time for you to take your righteous place next to me on the throne of Heaven"

Shelina can see Ali rolling her eyes, and when she throws her a dark look, the brunette just starts laughing slowly, but doesn't even bother talking to her wife's child, who she had been referring to as bastard for centuries now. 

Instead of reacting to that, Shelina just confronts her genitor:


"Why what?" the Goddess asks, confused.

"Why would you destroy your creation ? Why creating Sunnyvale in the first place, why not just send people straight to Hell instead?"

Ashlyn has a cruel laugh.

"I can see your conceptions of divinity are based on human concepts - I cannot blame you, after all you have been lost on Earth for too long" the blonde woman smirks, condescending. While her wife makes fun of Shelina's questions as well, her mother continues: "I never read the book humans call 'Bible' because it is only bullshit written by a handful men: the true story, my daughter, is quite more nuanced, and Hell is not some shit hole I send people to be tortured. Oh, no: every person who dies go to Hell, as none of them is worthy of ascending to Heaven, which is the kingdom created exclusively for our kind."

"You mean, celestials?" Shelina inquires. 

"Well, well, well, she's not so dumb after all..." Ali comments, sassy.

She gets a cold look from her wife, before the latter answers Shelina with patience:

"Exactly: celestials are unique creatures, with a certain type of blood - you cannot become a celestial, either you are born as one, either you serve them or perish. Angels are created by and for us, with the only fate of dying only by our hands."

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