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Dr Alyssa Naeher was standing at the entrance of Crystal's house, and as soon as she realises who it was that her little brother was talking to, she sends him to his room right away, her eyes throwing daggers at the woman - who was accompanied by two bodyguards that were twice Crystal's size.

Next to Naeher was standing Mary Zadorsky, aka the town's sheriff, aka Shelina's mother - or at least they think she is. 

"You have thirty seconds to explain to me why you thought coming to my family's home was a good idea, before I call my friends - and believe me, you don't wanna mess with them." Crystal blurts out, annoyed. 

Smirking a bit, Alyssa Naeher shakes her head. 

"There there, Miss Dunn: I suggest you stand down for now, because what we have to tell you is actually going to be interesting to help your case." the doctor slowly states, visibly unfazed.

This is when Mary Zadorsky looks straight into Crystal's eyes, and the dark-haired immediately realises that she and Shelina have the exact same greyish eyes that she likes so much. There was no way Mrs Z wasn't Shelina's birth mother. 

Therefore, Crystal nods, before closing the door behind her, stepping outside the house.

"I really hope you are not wasting my time..." the dark-haired mutters, rolling her eyes in the process.

"I am going to go straight to the point, if you don't mind?" Mary Zadorsky starts, as Crystal immediately nods in agreement. After taking a deep breath, the older woman states: "God has the power to get an human woman pregnant without even touching her: this is what happened to Mary - or, as most people know her Saint Mary or Virgin Mary - when she gave birth to Jesus centuries ago, according to the gospels. But what men did not get was that Jesus wasn't the only child of Mary: a girl was born as her twin, and was erased from the course of history in order to get protected."

"Shelina..." Crystal breathes out, feeling her body get weaker. Her eyes then go wide, as she adds: "Does that mean...?"

"Yes, my child" Mary Zadorsky says, nodding her head, "I am Saint Mary, and when I lost my little boy I swore on my life that I would do anything that I could to protect my daughter."

Shaking her head in disbelief, Crystal then turns toward Dr Naeher.

"I don't get it: why torture Christen? Who the hell are you in all this?"

The doctor smirks.

"As one of God's most loyal servant, consider me as one of Her personal guard" she reveals, nodding her head slowly. Realising that Crystal wasn't satisfied with her answer, she adds: "Torturing your friend was not something I enjoyed doing, but She wanted to have more details on the anomalies..."

"The anomalies?" Crystal repeats, confused.

"Do you really believe that five teenager with powers that are not celestials by essence is something we had seen before? She wanted to make sure you weren't threats, and my inquiry proved me otherwise: one of you is Satan's heir, whereas the four left are just clueless humans that caught powers for whatever reason."

"Our goal is not to destroy you and your friends, Miss Dunn" Mary Zadorsky explains, her tone softening a little bit. As Crystal raises her eyebrows, she adds: "We needed to establish if you would cause harm to the people around you - and, eventually, what was the origin of your supernatural abilities."

"Did you find any answer at all?" Crystal asks, sassy.

Dr Naeher smirks, obviously amused, before answering:

"As for the second matter, we are still working on it: but, for that, we need your cooperation."

"What's in it for us?"

"Well, put simply: you either swear fidelity to God or will be destroyed because teenagers with powers are too much of a liability and danger to the human kind." the doctor says.

Crystal sets her jaw.

"I'm gonna talk to my friends."

Nodding in agreement, Dr Naeher walks away, as the sheriff grabs Crystal's forearm, whispering so that only her could hear what she had to say:

"I know you want to bring my daughter back as much as I want to: I need you and your friends' help."


Julie has been stable for three days now, as Kelley obviously had bigger fishes to fry than to possess a random human. After explaining everything to her and what happened, the girls decided to untie her, which she was grateful for. 

This morning also marked Christen's return after a few days of absence, during which she just shut her phone off and avoided everybody - especially Mapi, whose feelings toward her became abundantly clear and scared the crap out of her. But when Crystal called an urgent meeting, she just had to be there to support one of her only best friend left.

When she enters the room, where is a small silence, before both Crystal and Tobin walk up to her and hug her tight.

"Where the hell have you been ? We've barely seen you since..." Tobin starts, but she abruptly stops, knowing that it would trigger the other girl. 

Christen sighs.

"Since Sam and I came back from Hell, you can say it out loud, we're not tailing about Voldemort" she sassily lets out, before sighing. Her eyes wander through the room, before she stares at Crystal and adds: "However, I was quite comfortable in my bed, so I hope what you gotta say to us is important."

One by one, Crystal touches her friend's hands, managing to show them the interesting conversation she's had with Dr Naeher and Shelina's mother. Christen is obviously immediately triggered - she's been, after all, the one who has been tortured by her - while the others just shiver. The three angels, too, seemed surprised, as they didn't know Dr Naeher was working on God's behalf, while Mary Zadorsky was actually Virgin Mary - as her real identity has been kept secret until now. 

Once the round up over, Crystal talks to the whole room with confidence and determination:

"It is no secret to anyone in the room that my feeling for Shelina are stronger than my fear: I won't stop until I find a way to bring her back, even if it costs me my life."

Christen grabs her friend's shoulder, before saying:

"We're gonna help, Crys, you've got my word"

"This is all cute and shit" Sam lets out, annoyed, "but are we gonna talk about Kelley literally forcing Abby to follow her in Hell although she basically saved my and Christen's ass?"

Crystal nods.

"Sammy" Kristie immediately says, putting a hand on her sister's shoulder, trying to calm her down, "nobody said we'd abandon her: we just gotta figure out a way to go back to Hell and come back without our souls burning, that's all."

As a few anxious laugh run through the room, one face is definitely closed and deformed by guilt: Julie's.

While nobody is looking (except Ingrid, who never lets her out of her sight), the blonde walks out of the room, followed by the angel.

But once Ingrid steps outside of the house, Julie has vanished.

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