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"I don't get it" Sam slowly articulates, visibly pretty scared of what the brunette did to her sister, "didn't you just want to be free from satanic duties ?" 

Kelley smirks. 

"Why settle for a village team when you can play for the USWNT, am I right ?" the brunette lets out, smirking. Realising that Sam wasn't laughing at all, she continues: "Listen, you've got no idea how it is up there (she points at the sky - presumably, Heaven): most people think celestials are better than the rest of us, but the truth is that they're not. All they want is to cast out the people different from them, such as my father, or my little sis' - they are just working within a system that diminishes the poor, and value people with prestige. Doesn't that ring a bell, Sammy?"

The blonde frowns.

"Sounds a lot like Sunnyvale to me."

"Exactly, you're not that dumb after all: the Eastsiders can be considered as the celestials from Heaven, and the Westsiders like the people that have been cast out of Heaven onto Hell on false accusations. Don't you see the truth now? Sunnyvale is just a reflexion of Heaven vs Hell, a tradition of a meaningless feud that mirror reality: this hasn't only been about parts of the city, but it's been orchestrated in a way that would reflect how fucked up this whole thing is."

Sam shakes her head and disbelief.

"So you're saying someone purposely separated the town in two and watched as people from both side would kill each other for decades ?" she asks, making sure to have the right reading.

Kelley nods.

"And you know who that someone is ; spoiler alert, they're not from Hell."


"All they've done is send the cast out, the people that weren't worth saving, the people that weren't valuable enough from both side : the powerless, the bastards born from forbidden unions... and then, surely the irony of fate, they've made a mistake and have sent seven of us down there although you did not belong there. The Five are only the children of celestials that have been cast out because of their families' actions ; Shelina is the fruit of a forbidden love between God and a human behind the Goddess of Creation's back ; and then there's me, Satan's least favourite daughter, whose only purpose was to protect her little sister from God's wrath."

Sam's head was about to explode. 

Every thing she thought she knew was called into question, and although she did not want to trust Kelley at all after everything she's done, she knew deep down that the brunette was speaking the truth. 

Feeling a burning sensation of hatred inside of her body, Sam shakes her head, setting her jaw. 

"The only way to raise a supernatural army against the celestials was to turn people into ghosts: and when some other people, such as Bob Mewis or Annemarie Press, got in the way, I had no other choice but to hurt them. And even in a ghost form, the malediction of Sunnyvale would still prevail, as they would just protect their own: Eastsiders protect Eastsiders, and same goes for the Westsiders. You see how far this mind manipulation extends to ?"

"Why would I trust in any word you say, uh?" Sam asks, impassible. 

Kelley smirks.

"Oh, 'cause I have undeniable proofs, and I will show them all to you. All you have to do is follow me."


Heaven was nothing like Christen had imagined. 

There were no cute villages, no happy people wandering through the clouds, all smiles, saluting them. Instead, the rare people they would come across from just wouldn't see them: since they weren't dead, the three of them, then dead people couldn't see them. On the other hand, angels could in fact see them.

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