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Christen throws up right outside the door - indeed, ever since a fight broke out between Julie and her 'girlfriend' Crystal, as the blonde was very drunk and annoyed that her girlfriend was 'less touchy and loving than usual', and that the 'couple' left the party to discuss, she just drank to forget the mess she was in. 

I even regret leaving Sunnyvale and not dying here like the others, the dark-haired thinks to herself, after finally evacuating everything that was making her feel sick. She did not allow herself to think about Mapi even once, because she had no idea where the angel was, if she was still alive, and, if she was, why she did not come and save her already. She is probably dead... She would've come... Shelina would've come for Crystal... Something is so wrong... And then she thinks about Sam and Tierna, that she visibly lost, and she couldn't take it anymore - everything seemed lost.

The nausea comes back and Christen throws up one more time - what she did not know is that she wasn't alone this time:

"You sure look like death, Press."

When she turns around after a while, Christen immediately feels some sort of kind of animosity without really understanding where it was coming from. 

Jill Roord was standing there, looking down at Christen, visibly happy to see her feel sick.

"Thanks" Christen only responds, deciding not to spike an old flame she knew nothing about. 

"People are right: something's off with you lately, and I am determined to find out what." Jill insists, raising her eyebrows.

Getting up slowly, Christen frowns, before asking:

"Why is it you're so obsessed with me again, Roord?"

Visibly confused by the question, Jill just smirks and responds:

"My brother died because of you, Press, so I am everything but obsessed with you, so, fuck you."

With that said, the blonde turns around and walks away, leaving Christen and her nausea alone once and for all. Feeling even more sick - what did she mean, he died because of me? what the hell did the non-me, or the me from this reality, do ? - Christen looks at the sky, willing to yell at Shelina: fucking bitch, I really hope all this messed-up shit isn't the fruit of your imagination, 'cause if it is then we're not friends anymore

Christen jumps when she feels a cold hand on her back, but immediately relaxes when she turns around and sees Crystal's face.

"When you're done throwing up like a teenager who doesn't control themselves" the girl says in an alarmed voice, "there's something you gotta see. Right now."

Frowning, Christen doesn't hesitate even one second before following Crystal, fighting through the nausea, because she knows the Black girl is the only friend she could trust here for now. Trying not to vomit again, feeling the effects of alcohol on her brain, Christen suddenly feels sober when Crystal stops walking suddenly and that they come face to face with Jessie Fleming. 

In an excess of rage - maybe this was her fault after all? - Christen starts yelling without even thinking:

"You! YOU! This is no fucking coincidence that things got all fucked up right after you got to Sunnyvale! What the Hell did you do?"

In the meantime, she had grabbed Jessie's collar, and with her psychokinesis powers she was strangling the angel/demon from inside of her own throat. Jessie struggles, holding her neck, while Christen would throw her the darkest look. 

But Crystal just grab both of their hands - Jessie's and Christen's - and shows the dark-haired Jessie's only memory that dates from before she got to Sunnyvale: Abby Dahlkemper's face, and three words: Go. Warn. Them. 

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