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Tierna and Christen finding their way back to Sunnyvale brightened everybody's day: indeed, while school had finally resumed, the girls were still getting used to always be ready, no matter what. 

Sam and Tierna had spent every moment together since, as the brunette was convinced Abby had something to do in the brilliant escape from Heaven, because the shadows could not be there by accident. Their relationship had grown on a psychological level, but not on a physical one, as they were missing their third part and could not think about anything sexual without her in the mix as well.

Christen isolated herself for a whole week after coming back from Heaven - probably dealing with her broken heart and trust, although she wouldn't admit it, like, ever. She took Mapi's treason as one of the worst feeling she'd ever experienced in her entire existence, and literally tried to get away from every human relationship possible - excepted with her close friends.

Kelley still hadn't gained the full confidence from the others, especially because of her actions, but she did find a friend in Sonnett, as the two girls were quite similar underneath the meters of animated comical being they were showing the world - and as Kelley would already change so much in only three weeks, the girls were praising Sonnett for being her old self. Other than Sonnett, the other girls wouldn't trust her.

Shelina and Crystal were living their love in true light, not caring about everybody in Sunnyvale knowing about their love for each other. The loss of Shelina's mother, as well as the reveal that her other mom is an evil Goddess, was pretty harsh on the Canadian, who was glad she had her girlfriend to support her.

As for Kristie, she would just walk through the Black Forest and look for her old friends' souls during her free time, as she had a hard time concentrating on her schoolwork and wanted to unite the ghosts from both parts of town. In the meantime, Tobin would continue her work as junior sheriff with Alyssa Naeher, who proved to be loyal to Kelley before anything else - obviously people did not trust her yet.

Then, there's Julie.

Currently descending the steps of the old cavern under the Black Forest where Ingrid Engen was held hostage, locked up in a cage made of steel (unbreakable even for the angels), for three weeks now. If Julie stayed out of the rounds destined to watch over the fallen angel, she just could not resist the temptation to go see the mysterious woman for whatever reason, and she started taking over the surveillance position. 

Their first interaction was quite cold, but Ingrid warmed up to her lately, and those past two weeks had been weeks of deep conversations and late nights just playing board games Julie would bring with. In truth, Ingrid did not even think about leaving once. 

Tonight, as everybody was reuniting as every Tuesdays and Fridays ever since they went back home to Sunnyvale, Kelley speaks up:

"I can't believe I am going to say this, but: I apologize for my way of doing things... At the time it seemed like the only thing to do, like the right thing to do."

"You mean, killing our friends?" Shelina sassily highlights, frowning.

Rolling her eyes, Kelley just lets out:

"Okay, can't say I haven't tried."

"Those are shitty apologizes" Kristie adds, visibly fed up with the overall situation.

"Shut your filthy mouth, human" Kelley responds.

Tierna has had enough already, while Crystal orders:

"Enough!" and, after a heavy silence is established, she goes on: "I mean, c'mon guys, we already are fighting against the whole Heaven - and who knows how big that place is? - and we're missing one of our most powerful members (aka Abby): don't you think we should stop fighting and start working together to save this God forsaken town?"

"I agree with Crys" Christen speaks out, annoyed, "we all have to do our part 'cause they're gonna come for us sometime soon - after all, we're anomalies." 

"Plus, God openly claimed to be willing to kill us all" Tierna adds, serious.

"Then it is settled" Sam declares, confident, "we're finding a way to save this town, no matter what."

And, while everybody nod and drink some alcohol, Tierna and Sam exchange a look, and as soon as they do, they know they're thinking the exact same thing:

And we're gonna get Abby back, no matter the cost...


Kristie is sitting by the river near the Black Forest, realizing that the ghosts weren't there tonight - as it often happens, she just remains there on her own. She misses the good old days - she misses her deceased friends, and somehow not knowing until when their ghost form will exist was making her feel anxious: it felt like losing them all over again.

As she was listening to the calm sound of the water running down the river, she feels a sudden presence: when she turns around, she sees Tobin.

Things have been quite cold lately - ever since Tobin started being Alyssa Naeher (a notorious ex-angel turned demon who seemingly could hardly be trusted in Kristie's opinion, just like Kelley) they haven't really talked other than for throwing cold looks at each other. Although they finally started getting along, it seemed at a dead point lately.

Sitting next to Kristie, Tobin shows her she has no gun, neither any intention to annoy her.

"We should start a Human Association of Supernatural Shit the two of us, plus Sonnett and JJ" Tobin states, trying to clear the air.

"Or maybe we should do a Working with Traitors Association of Bullshit People instead" Kristie sassily answers, rolling her eyes. As Tobin frowns, she adds: "That's funny, I thought you were more clever than that."

Tobin's facial expression goes from a smile to a killer face in a few seconds only.

"Alright" she sighs, getting up quickly, "I was trying to be nice, but if you wanna be a bitch, then so be it..."

As Kristie has no intention to hold her back, there is a sudden Earthquake, before somebody comes out of the woods, visibly scared to death.

Looking closer, Kristie realizes the person is Rose Lavelle, and that she had taken a human form back... only to slowly burn from the inside and disappear for good, her hand trying to reach for Kristie as a final action.

All the ghosts had dissipated for good, breaking the survivors' hearts.

In the meantime, wings flapping were heard, as angels were coming down on Sunnyvale finally, and maybe for a final time...

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