134 10 16

Jessie opens her eyes, on the verge of throwing up because of the pain.

Around her, nothing but dark shadows turning around her, as even the grass underneath her feet was black. 

She rolls her eyes.

"Oh, fuck - here we go again" she mutters under her breath, quite annoyed.

Of course waking up and not remembering a single thing about the last four years of your life wasn't fun, but this was at a totally other level: while Jessie's mission was to warn Shelina about her upcoming fight, as well as assist her during it - but the Goddess material decided otherwise when she just went to fight her mother and her army of angels, as well as angry wife, on her own entirely. 

Jessie knows where she is, as she's always been there in her childhood: there are spaces between the different realities created and, as an half-angel, half-demon creature, she had the luxury or curse to be able to travel through them. Setting her jaw - she actually has to decide whether she goes back to Sunnyvale where reality spit and God(dess)-knows what happened, or she choses to go to the new dimension that was created to explain what she could to whoever - if anyone - was sent there...

But something else was on Jessie's mind than warning strangers she knew nothing about... she was wondering if there was even a slightest chance that, on that other reality, SHE wouldn't have died and be alive and well...

Therefore, she flies into the new reality, leaving Sunnyvale and whoever was left in there.


Shelina wakes up, her eyes blinded by a white, intense light. It takes a moment for her to adjust to this new luminosity, as well as the scent there was in the air. After a while, while her vision was still blurry and her mind unstable, she started feeling the weight on her wrists and ankles, and a sensation of cold was emanating from those particular spots. 

This is when her vision finally becomes clear after a few minutes that she realises she is sitting on some kind of ice throne with huge chains holding her still, with zero room for any escape move possible - if you then add the four angels standing there to guard her. She immediately recognises few of them, such as Pernille and Kadi, but not only... there was also Ingrid

Trying to move a little bit to test the resistance of the chains, Shelina did not hear someone walk straight at her, before a familiar voice raises:

"I wouldn't try too hard if I were you: those chains are made of a materials that can kill celestials, and they're unbreakable." Ali says, sassily raising her eyebrows. While Shelina remains calm, she adds: "Honey, if only you didn't have to be as powerful as you are, we wouldn't have to contain you... Creating another reality? That's a first... You really are dumb, otherwise you wouldn't have drawn the attention on you, 'cause only God's daughter is capable of having greater powers than her..."

"Wife, enough" a strong voice says behind the brunette, who rolls her eyes before turning around and lovingly hugging Ashlyn - aka God.

Shelina smirks. 

"So your big plan is to keep me tied up in this ridiculous throne forever? Because I'm never gonna help you achieve anything" the blonde declares, confident. 

"No offence, honey, but we're not afraid about you as an individual" Ali lets out, highly amused. Before her wife can say anything to stop her, the brunette continues: "Keeping you in Heaven while your nemesis is in Hell just allows the world as we know it to keep existing, because as long as celestials of my blood are in Heaven, we will always maintain total domination over the whole universe - especially now that you're here..."

"Enough" Ashlyn orders, while her wife shuts up and takes a few step backwards.

But it is too late, as Shelina has realised what it was really about - it was never about The Five, she thinks to herself, it was never only that... all she wanted was...

"... you wanted to separate Abby and I because together we have unlimited powers..." she whispers out loud, her eyes going wide. 

"You're not so dumb after all" Ali smirks, rolling her eyes, before quickly adding: "for the first time since the beginning of times, God's forbidden daughter and Satan's miracle daughter - since they're not supposed to procreate at all while being demons - are actually cousins of blood."

"I don't get it" Shelina lets out before her mother has time to say anything, "why did we both land in Sunnyvale in the first place ? I mean, we've known each other for ten years and basically grew up in the same circles..."

Ashlyn sighs loudly.

"It was an utter secret, even to us, until now..."

Shelina was about to ask for more, but she suddenly realises: if she was able to create and send her friends to an alternate dimension without even meaning to, maybe she sent herself to Sunnyvale to escape from being murdered by Ali or kept captive all of her life - and maybe she was the one creating Sunnyvale in the first place...

Frowning, the blonde just looks at her shaking hands, in shock : what if she was the investigator of it all and lost her memories, just like Jessie did when she came here? 

As her face is mortified, Shelina just looks around, while Ashlyn and Ali silently argue not far from her. This is when her vision suddenly becomes blurry, and three people appear in front of her - she almost faints when she realises who it is, but she also doesn't react because she knows that, if she does, they'll be in danger.

Indeed, Sam appears first, and she is holding two other people's hands: Tierna and... Abby's.

"Don't react" Sam orders, without letting go of her lovers' hands. Thinking that the blonde was now able to make other people travel through the minds, Shelina just remains quiet, as her friend continue: "We just wanted to check on you, 'cause we can't reach Christen and Crystal... The three of us are in Hell right now, and we need to stay a bit longer to figure... stuff out, but don't worry, all three of us will be back soon ! We love you She-She, stay strong."

As their faces face, and that Abby's emotions in her eyes were palpable, Shelina restrains herself from crying and only nods her head.

She needed to do things the right way, because she is the one that sent two of her best friends if not more into an alternate reality, and now she needed to bring them back...

 if it was even possible...


Question: do you still like the story and want me to continue it for a while or you'd rather I stop in a few chapters?

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