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"Time's out" Christen says, on edge. 

The five allies - Christen, Crystal, Jessie, Jill and Ingrid - are standing in a circle in the middle of the locker rooms. Setting their jaws, they know time is running out, and are only waiting for Abby to come at the meeting point so that they can go up in Heaven. The blonde normally was never late, but today she was. 

When the door opens, they all expect to see her - but when they see it's someone else, they immediately stand on their guards, in shock: if Magdalena Eriksson did not react to their weird out faces, she sure notices the wings coming out of Ingrid's body - and if Leah Williamson was petrified because she never thought that, when coming inside the room, she would actually see a real life angel, she just has her eyes locked on Christen. 

It is Crystal who exclaims:

"What on Earth are you doing here?" 

Magda takes a few seconds to catch her breath, before saying:

"I... someone from another dimension told me to come to you both (she points at Christen and Crystal)... two girls who weren't the Tobin and Leah I know, but versions from some other dimension... I mean, they just appeared and told me that, and also that they're dead so... does that make any sense to you ?"

Christen sighs: they didn't have time to explain themselves.

"To sum everything up: we're coming from another dimension, and got sent here by God's daughter to save our lives - cause God isn't as kind as we thought she was, because yes, it is a woman. And now, we gotta go to Heaven to save the girl who saved us and kill God, 'cause either she survives or we do."

"Magda" Crystal then kindly says, setting her jaw, "you seem to have a special ability... seeing the dead is no easy power to have, but it is yours. And now, we need your on our side if we wanna save your world and dimension as you know it..."

The Swede is out of her mind.

"B-but, Rosella..."

"She's in Heaven right now, with our enemy - we need you to convince her to get on our side, and you're the only one who can." the dark-haired continues, serious.

Magda's eyes go wide.

"But... why m-me?"

Jessie throws her a mocking look. 

"Come on, deep down you know why..."

Blushing like Hell - of course the Swede knew damn well that Crystal meant in the first place - Magda just nods her head.

In the meantime, while Crystal and Jessie catch Magda up about everything, Christen quickly takes Leah aside and closes the door behind them on right outside, as the Brit seemed pretty upset.

She looks at the ground, before saying:

"Well... I guess I have to tell you goodbye then, stranger."

"I am sorry" Christen says, feeling it inside of her guts. 

Leah frowns.

"What for ?"

"For not being the person you thought I was..."

"It's not your fault: I mean, I should've known you were too good to be true in the first place" the blonde concedes, a sad smile on her lips. As Christen starts feeling bad, she adds: "It was nice meeting you, the real Christen Press."

Feeling her throat going sore, Christen just nods.

"I am sorry..."

"Good luck on your war, and goodbye, I guess..." Leah says, before taking a final step toward Christen.

She kisses the other girl's cheek softly and for several seconds, before turning her back on her and starting to walk away.

Fuck it, Christen thinks to herself.

She quickly walks toward Leah and forces her to turn around, before crashing her lips on the Brit's.

It felt quite natural to Christen, who felt goosebumps inside of her stomach nevertheless - although Mapi was still inside her mind. Leah kisses back with passion, and their embrace lasts a good thirty seconds, before Christen takes her lips off Leah's.

The Brit keeps her eyes closed several more seconds, before Christen whispers:

"Goodbye, Leah."

And just like that, Leah leaves and Christen takes a deep breath: she joins her friends - Abby had arrived in the meantime - and soon they are getting flied up in Heaven to fight one final battle, that was crucial to be won - their whole existences and million of others' depended on it.


"What the Hell" Christen mutters under her breath, looking around her.

Abby had vanished.

The majestic gardens and clouds of Heaven were nuanced by background screams and falling angels: from afar, Christen could immediately recognise Kelley O'Hara's silhouette, as she was fighting alongside a girl literally on fire, and another who was mastering the clouds it seems. 

Of course Jessie recognises the brunette right away.

"She's teaming up with two anomalies : Rosella Ayane and Mallory Pugh" she announces to the others. 

Crystal and Magda, who did not have quite combative powers, just stay behind Christen, Jessie and Ingrid, who were setting their jaws.

Taking the lead, Christen orders:

"The three of us are gonna take on Kelley and her minions - Magda, Jill and Crystal, you guys try and get to the main palace."

"There is no way I am letting you kill Rosella" Magda immediately says.

Fucking lesbians, Crystal thinks to herself, quite ironic.

"She would never combat us if she sees you: therefore you need to get her attention."

"Got it."

They part ways, and Christen starts feeling nauseous: everything could go wrong from that moment on. 

When Ingrid and Jessie take out their wings, the group of friends realise they had dawned Kelley's attention: laughing hysterically, the brunette kills two angels in one step, before flying straight to the three women, who are on there guards.

While Mallory and Rosella protect them by keep on killing angels from God's army, Kelley exclaims:

"Well, well, well... you're late to the party, my friends! I've got a deal for you: if we work together, we might as well spare your lives, and when I become God, I swear on my mother's grave that we will find a way to work together - all you gotta do is kill God and Shelina, in exchange of my forever gratitude."

Christen bursts into laughter, as time seems to stop for a while. 

"Oh, 'cause you thought you'd be a better God than the one in place ? You abandoned your sister in Hell doing your job, and you betrayed each and every one of us, several times : we will never work together, and you won't touch a hair of Shelina's."

"So be it, Christen Press: we are no longer partners, which means I can kill you all without any regret."

With that said, she screams loudly, and Mal immediately joins her: Rosella, on the other hand, had just spotted Magda not far away, and decided to go and get her in order to protect her. Rolling her eyes, Kelley just close them, while her hands soon get filled with a glowing red lights, that brightens the whole cloud they're currently in.

Christen and Ingrid exchange a look with Ingrid and Jessie, who are both ready to fight, before thinking to herself:

We are all going to fucking die.

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