(80) SUNNYVALE 2.0.

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"Esto es lo que se suponía que iba a pasar desde el principio, ¿no? Y tú lo sabías todo, ¿no?" (English: This is what was supposed to happen from the very beginning, wasn't it? And you knew all about it, didn't you?).

Christen words sliced the air because of how sharp and direct they were. 

There were silent tears in Mapi's eyes, as her wings would just extend for meters, magestuous, while she would just stare at Christen in silence.

After considering her following words carefully, the blonde just concedes:

"Siempre es un asunto delicado y desgarrador que ver a la mujer que amas perecer bajo tus ojos. Pero tú y yo sabemos que tú y tus amigos sois los únicos entes vivos que pueden causar daño a la Diosa, por lo que es mi deber y el de mis hermanas cumplir con nuestro destino: servir a nuestra reina." (English: It is always a delicate and heartbreaking matter than to see the woman you love perish under your eyes. But you and I both know you and your friends are the only living entities that can cause harm to the Goddess, therefore it is my duty and those of my sisters to fulfil our destiny: serve our queen.)

"You always have a choice" Christen coldly says, trying to show as little emotions as she could. While Mapi's eyes would just water slowly, she adds on the same tone: "If you do love me as you pretend you do, then do something about it - become an actress of your own destiny, and join me."

Mapi has a sad laugh.

"You know I cannot do that, mi preciosa" she slowly articulates. 

"Then kill me : after all, this is what you came here to do - let's get it over with."

The hurt in Mapi's eyes just translated the terrible choice she had to make right now: either the whole purpose of her existence, or the deep love she feels for the woman standing in front of her, that changed her entire life.

Knowing very well that she had to do it, Mapi slowly advances toward Christen, taking a very specific dagger out of her wings, that was entirely made of gold. Once she is only inches from Christen, Mapi slowly caresses the dark-haired's jaw with her delicate fingers, before biting her lips, her eyes full of regrets.

Suddenly, Christen closes the small gap between them, while her lips softly press against Mapi's who, in surprise, did not react at first, before kissing back hesitantly, their lips slowly caressing each other's, with their feelings for each other resurfacing even stronger than they were before - or at least that was how Christen and Mapi both felt. 

After timeless minutes of kissing - in what felt like a kiss goodbye - they both pull away, letting their foreheads relying against each other's, both victims of their very condition.

"No puedo..." Mapi then whispers, letting the dagger slipping through her fingers before it falls on the ground with a metallic sound (English: I can't). Her voice trembles with she repeats: "No puedo... n-no puedo..."

Seeing this vulnerable side of the blonde for the first time, Christen's eyes soften, before she grabs Mapi's face within her hands and whispers:

"Nada de traicionarse de ahora en adelante: las almas gemelas deben permanecer juntas, ¿vale?" (English: No betraying each other for now on: soulmates must stick together, okay?)

"Vale" Mapi answers with no hesitation this time.

But just as they are kissing once again, there is a loud intonation, as a dome at first translucent, and then invisible, constructs itself immediately, keeping the inhabitants in Sunnyvale trapped in their own town - as the same goes for the enemy angels.

This was the beginning of a new Sunnyvale - a way darker and dangerous Sunnyvale...




Those inscriptions are painted on the walls of what was anciently the town's mayor's office. 

The city of Sunnyvale, once restless and full of life, was now a succession of destroyed buildings and roads full of dead bodies, as half of its population had been decimated by angels fallen right from Heaven. 

There was no school, no doctors, nothing anymore: people could only rely on themselves and their families. The explanations were long and complicated for the humans, but they soon understood that they were powerless entities within a much more complicated and powerful system, that was now being destroyed only to be rebuilt better - but the road was so long that there did not seem to be any light at the end of the tunnel. 

Walking through the wreckage, barely standing on their feet, was a person that never was supposed to be there in the first place - and whose presence was about to affect the whole order of things. 

Raising from the dead, in flesh and bones, was a ghost from the past, a soul that escaped the terrible fate that was reserved to them from the moment Sunnyvale turned into a town where supernatural occurrences would shatter the lives of many people - even more than anybody could've originally thought. 

A heavy fog was slowly forming around the shadowy form, that was barely human seconds ago, but whose skin was now getting together, almost without a scratch. The person has to crack their head back into its original place, feeling able to breathe better as soon as they did this. 

A smile now appears on their lips: this was their new playground at the eve of a new era in Sunnyvale...


Somewhere in the depths of Hell

Two greenish/brownish eyes were fixated on the emptiness of eternity. Dressed in a long, black leathery dress, her eyes enhanced by a simple trait of highlighter and satanic, black make up all over her face - but especially around her eyes going straight to her temples, Satan was occupying her throne.

Rumour has it that she lost her soul in the process of taking over her father's legacy, as he died right after transmitting all of his remaining powers to an already powerful being, and now her humanity had totally vanished. She was a child of destruction and pain, watching from her high throne the cages of souls getting tortured by the demons that were hers.

All of Hell was hers now.

And still, when Abby saw Sam appear right in front of her, and even though she did not show any of it, and even if it was only for a matter of seconds, she could've swore that her body was travelled by an electric feeling, waking every cell of her body.

She remembered how it felt to be human, and soon her eyes turned to the surface, that was so far away, but also so easy for her to reach...

But still, she sits on her throne, as if she would never be able to get out of her eternal sorrow and pain.

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