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CHRISTEN: Undeniably the 'bad girl' of Melas University - if not the fuckgirl - making both women's and men's head turn - she has lost her family early on and went living with her grandmother, who raised her. Now in the soccer team - which is in second place of national standings in the current season - and a serious contender for captaining, Christen recently behaved not like herself: firstly, she began to sneak out in the night to meet with a certain Leah Williamson, her teammate in the soccer team and debate leader, with who she formed a meaningful relationship, yet very platonic until Christen and Leah almost kissed during the team's party last month. Ever since, Christen has just been avoiding Leah (and possibly her feelings for the blonde), and those past few days, she has acted as if nothing happened. Secondly, her nemesis Jill Roord has reported that 'something is definitely up with Press', as she has soften and became less mean - and since Jill and Christen have a long history of feud going from school to now, the half-Dutch knew quite well her enemy. Thirdly, Christen's friends were worried to see her hang out with Crystal Dunn, with who she hasn't talked much until now.

CRYSTAL: On the contrary, Crystal has led a quite peaceful life with her family, taking care of her younger brothers and sisters while her parents were working as diplomats. Now in a rich family, Crystal met Julie, head cheerleader and her high school sweetheart, about six years ago, and they haven't left each other since. Lately, Crystal has been avoiding Julie, and her attitude also changed from one day to the next, leaving her girlfriend confused and speechless. Many people heard them argue during last night's party, which was highly unusual for the pair. Furthermore, if Crystal has been known as a popular and social person, she seems to have shifted from a joyful person to sadness and anger personalised, which announced a shift in her personality. Weirdly enough, it happened exactly at the same time than Christen's own transition - maybe it was related after all ?

Christen frowns.

"Glad to see your powers aren't gone either, 'cause they can prove useful right now" she comments, thinking about what she just saw about her and Crystal's past here in Melas University and in this alternate life. As the girl in front of her sighs, she adds: "So you gathered all those flashbacks from the party only by touching random hands?"

Crystal nods.

"Yeah, and most informations come from Julie... since she is pretty touchy when drunk" she concedes, nodding.

"I can't believe she's in love with you in this reality - I mean, I sure hope for you that Ingrid never finds out, 'cause if she realises you stole her soulmate, she's gonna freak."

"Only, I don't love Julie - to me she is one of my best friends. Kissing her feels so strange, but it certainly doesn't feel like love. At least not what i felt for..."

But she stops there, as the memories are too painful.

Burying her face in her hands for a second, Christen just starts thinking about what's next: should they act normal like it is expected from them, or try and overthrow this reality and take control back on their lives ? 

Only, how much longer will they stay in this reality? Is there even a way back without Shelina existing anymore? 

Rolling her eyes, Christen comments:

"If only Sam told us more about their shenanigans in Hell..."

"I'm sure she has her reasons..." Crystal answers, but her mind is somewhere else. Realising her friend was crying softly, Christen throws her a questionable look, to which Crystal answers: "I can't help but wonder... if Hell still exists and that Abby was on Sam and Tierna's side, maybe there is still hope that Shelina made it out alive..."

Grabbing her best friend's hand, Christen confidentially says:

"I'm sure that, wherever she is, she is fine: she is God's daughter for fuck's sake!"

"Yeah... Now I gotta figure out what I should do with Julie, 'cause I can't date her when I have feelings for someone else..."

"For now, we should play along - we don't know what'll happen if we disturb this reality... if we don't already have..."

Nodding her head, Crystal just takes a deep breath and puts her metaphorical mask on again: she really needed to forget about Shelina for a while, even though it was impossible...


Magda was early to training, once again. 

After getting all prepped up, she puts her cleats on and decides to take a small walk around the pitch, that was lightened already because it was starting to get dark sooner than usual - after all, it was early November. 

Lately, things have felt off - and she isn't talking about Christen and Crystal's weird behaviours, because she doesn't know them at all in the first place, but about Rosella odd behaviour regarding 'setting fire to things'. Moreover, the Swede was feeling weird sensations within her body, as if something big was about to happen, and it was stressing her out, but she had no idea about what it is.

She slowly walks to the outdoor toilets near the training grounds, and when she comes in, the lights go out for a few seconds. She hears weird sounds, and when she turns around she lets out a loud scream: in front of her, the scattered face of Leah Williamson - or at least of who she thought was Leah Williamson - with her skin cut so deeply Magda could actually see the veins in her neck, and her eyes as red as blood.

Without thinking twice, Magda starts running, but when she finally comes to the training grounds, she still is alone, until she sees Tobin Heath turning her back on her. Out of breath, she runs toward her and grabs her shoulder.

When she turns around, Tobin's face was just like Leah's: absolutely tarnished, but this time by a bullet in between her two eyes.

"Vad i helvete?" Magda screams, before trying to run away again (English: What the fuck?)

But Leah, who was right behind her now, just grabs her arm and says in a voice that seems surreal:

"Calm down, we're not here to harm you"

And, right after, Tobin also says:

"This is hard to explain, but the Leah Williamson and Tobin Heath you know are alive and well - we are other versions of them, and we are currently living in Hell. We need you to deliver a message to Christen Press and Crystal Dunn..."

But before they can say anything else, they see Magda collapsing, fainting because of the shock. As soon as she does, the two dead disappear immediately, just like magic.

One of Magda's teammate - Tobin Heath, alive and well - find her and drove her to the hospital that night, but neither of them had any idea about how important was tonight.

 Because, in a reality far, far away, what was left of Sunnyvale just collapsed. 

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