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Crystal's in a terrible mood this morning. 

Firstly, she knew her best friend, Kelley, was very mad at her for missing their drug thing: of course it was an important client, but somehow Crystal found more important all the supernatural weird shit that was going on in Sunnyvale than some black market stuff. However, she knew her friend cared about this business in regard to her ongoing feud with Marìa Leòn (that has been going on since Grade school, where both were the school's thugs to some extent), and she felt guilty not to feel more guilty about it - quite counter-intuitive, right?

Secondly, her late night encounter from yesterday with Shelina Zadorsky was really making her upset for seemingly no reason: I mean, why would I even care? I have way more important things to care about and take care of than some feud with a stranger. But, somehow, she couldn't get the brunette with clear eyes out of her mind, and that was really annoying her all of a sudden. 

Therefore, when Crystal gets to class and sees Kelley and Julie waiting for her at a chemistry table of three, she rolls her eyes and immediately states:

"I am sorry I missed the meeting yesterday, but I had my reasons ; and I'm sorry I did not answer your texts, but I also had my reasons. So, in case you're mad at me for either thing, just accept my apologies already and let's all move on, alright?"

When she looks up, she can see the surprise on the two girls' faces.

"Okay, okay" Kelley immediately says, raising her hands as if she was going to get arrested. She then cracks a smile, saying: "You're in quite a mood today, Crys. Wanna talk about it?"


"Cool, cool, cool..." Kelley slowly says, frowning. 

Obviously, after so many years of friendship, she knew exactly how Crystal was handling problems: just not talking about it and ignoring it until they eventually go away - even if it means losing people and precious friendships. 

Grateful for this feud being solved that rapidly, Crystal just focuses her attention on Julie, as the blonde says:

"Besides, we didn't even need you after all: Kels sealed the deal, and we got a new major client!" 

Crystal's eyes go wide.

"Really?" she asks, surprised. As both Kelley and Julie nod, she cracks a wide smile and also asks: "How did you do that?"

"Well... Let's say we just presented them with more pros and cons, and BOUM, they just agreed to use us as their suppliers. Plus, you'll never believe who they were..." Kelley excitedly says, obviously quite joyous. 


"Some kids from the Eastside: the sheriff's daughter-"

"Samantha?" Crystal asks, not believing a single word of it.

"No, the other one, Krisite" Julie corrects her, and suddenly it makes more sense.

"- and Alanna Kennedy" Kelley finishes, quite amused.

Crystal's eyes go wide: so two of the most notorious Eastsiders were doing drugs? This was both surprising and exciting: it meant that they had a way of pressuring both of them in case they do something they dislike. 

As the three girls start laughing about it, they not even once thought about the terrible consequences this deal will have in the future...


Abby wakes up first.

Although she had never been in Tierna's room, she was able to recognise it at once: the creepy posters about 1960s rock bands ; pictures of her and Tobin when they were young ; her old ukulele and guitar on the corner of the room... Anyway, everything was screaming Tierna's name. 

It took a while for Abby's head to stop turning, as well as to notice the pressure of Tierna's arm around her: they were lying down side by side, Abby turning her back at Tierna, and the brunette unconsciously gluing her body to Abby's. Shivering from head to toe, Abby tries to get away from the girl's embrace, but she just cannot.

Beaten, she just remains there, and unconsciously her hand finds Tierna's, caressing it softly. What is happening to me, for fucks' sake? she asks herself, usually not really the kind to even like people. 

After a while, she feels Tierna move, and she is almost disappointed when the brunette removes her arm from Abby, getting up very, very fast all things considered. When Abby straightens up and sits down on the bed, she sees the brunette quickly putting more clothes on, as the blonde herself was only wearing her underwear. Blushing like hell, Abby puts a t-shirt on - one of Tierna's - under the brunette's embarrassed eyes.

After a dead-long silence, Tierna concedes:

"Sorry, I didn't have time to put a t-shirt on you 'cause you're very heavy when you're unconscious"

Abby frowns.

"What happened ?" she asks, seemingly lost. As Tierna frowns as well, confused, Abby is forced to elaborate: "Last night, I mean... I only remember you calling me out on my shit, and then voices and shadows, but then... nada."

Tierna takes a deep breath.

"Well... something weird happened..."

"Tierna, you're scaring me" Abby states, her voice shaking a little. As she puts more cover on her body, she orders: "Spit it out, please."

"Well... The shadow was strangling me and... you know the voices we hear in our heads when the shadows are near? (Abby nods, nervous) Well, this time I heard yours... As if you were talking to 'em. And they baked off, and eventually just... you just..."

"I-I just w-w-what?" Abby asks, on the verge of fainting.

"You just took it in, I guess... It was like if you... controlled it, and it listened to what you were saying..."

"Wait, wait, wait... wait a damn second. Does that mean...?"

But Tierna's look toward her is enough to Abby to understand that Christen wasn't the one Sammy thought the shadows were looking for. 

Before Tierna can say anything, Abby lets out, panicked:

"Oh my God... Oh my GOD! Am I a freaking shadow whisperer or something ? This just can't be, it's too... too..."

"Supernatural? Irrealist?" Tierna tries, raising her eyebrows. As Abby stares at her, confused and scared, she continues: "Honestly, nothing surprised me anymore, and I think I somehow know you enough to know that being a shadow whisperer or something isn't a bad thing if you're the damn shadow whisperer, Abby. I trust you, really."

But Abby was doubting herself already.

"What if I can't control... it?" she asks, probably talking about this kind of 'ability' she has. As her breath is becoming more and more rapid, she blurts out: "What if I just hurt someone without meaning to? What i-if I just hurt you? A-a-and what if-"

Tierna grabs Abby's shoulders before she can continue, and as the blonde looks straight into her eyes, the brunette says in a calm voice:

"We don't know anything yet, Abby: for now, we should just focus on how you're doing, and we'll deal with whatever the fuck that is later. Okay?"

After a brief hesitation, Abby whispers:


But, deep inside, she was frightened - and oh Lord was she right to be...

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