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Translated from and old Latin dialect, the text Tierna found on a very ancient book hidden under the shelves of the library, which had a separate piece of paper amongst its pages. From the smell and state of the piece of paper, Tierna knew it was old enough to be the prophecy.

After hours spent to translate the original text to modern English, only eight sentences that would change the course of their lives and so many others forever: 

the village where the Great Witch found exile for some months

sheltered from false accusations and from the period of non-existent open-mindedness

the fiftieth heiress of the witch will live hundreds of years from now

while The Four will awaken, their powers appearing from the depths of their souls

and if Satan's heir in herself finds the strength and courage to resist the dark forces of her lineage

the witch's heir will be saved, and the curse here will end

only if The Four and Satan's heir join forces

and an ultimate sacrifice is made

Only, the other side of the piece of paper was erased by time, and the words that were written in ink on it disappeared as well. Although it was incomplete, the current prophecy was creeping Abby out.

Sam, on the other hand, seemed quite calm all things considered.

"So, there's a way to save Shelina after all" she declares, re-reading the words for the hundredth time already.

Tierna rolls her eyes.

"Did you forget about the 'ultimate sacrifice' part?" she sassily asks, smirking. 

"So, basically" Abby lets out, shaking her head angrily, "almost everything here we knew already - except the sacrifice thing - and everything depends on me finding the strength to resist my satanic traits. This is just great."

Sam and Tierna exchange a concerned look, as Abby's eyes had become darker quite immediately. 

They each sit on one side of her, setting their jaws, before Sam softly says:

"Hey, I know it must feel scary, but if one person can do that, it's you"

Abby rolls her eyes, not believing a single word of what the blonde just said. Sam sighs loudly, looking at Tierna for help.

This is when it strikes the brunette, before she says:

"You know, Abs, there is a reason why both Sam and I are in love with you - because we truly are (Sam's eyes go wide, as she didn't get where Tierna was going with that. Abby, on the other hand, just freezes, holding her breath back): you are fearless, courageous, consistent, and we can count on you and trust you fully. I am starting to believe that the fact that us three found each other was no coincidence."

Sam frowns.

"Tierna, what-"

Without saying another word, Tierna grabs Abby's face and crashes her lips against hers, kissing her passionately. Moaning in surprise, Abby tries to get away from the brunette's embrace, but she just couldn't - there was something more at stake, and although they did not quite grasp what, there was no denying it. After a few seconds, Tierna pulls away, before staring at Sam.

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