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Both Kelley and Abby were holding their breaths. 

In the meantime, as darkness were making their way to Heaven, angels and anomalies from both sides stop for a second, watching as Satan's heir was raising in the sky, while shadowy forms were descending upon the ground, before transforming into the charnel form of demons: leading the way are Tobin and Lindsey, followed by Megan, Allie, and each and every one of the victims from Sunnyvale - no matter East or West sides. They weren't alive, therefore could not be killed - they were like ghosts that couldn't be put down by anyone other than their master, Abby, the Queen of Hell. 

Not trembling a single beat, Kelley says:

"You look fitter" 

Abby smirks, not impressed by her big sister's sarcasm.

"You look tired" she only declares, smirking. As Kelley's eyes got darker, she adds: "I nearly could've believed you were the one stuck in Hell this whole time"

"I had no choice..." Kelley starts, trying to be as honest as she could.

But Abby couldn't be fooled - she has been waiting for too long for this confrontation to happen and her revenge to be taken. 

Nodding her head slowly, Abby calmly says:

"We both know this isn't true - like we both know you will end up killing me for my power. So, cut the crap, will you: it's been a long time since I've known you're nothing but a lying skam, and I have no intention of dying today."

"Neither do I."

Making a subtle sign, Kelley calls for some of her angels to call an offense on Abby - but when they try to fly right at her, they suddenly stop, as if somebody had just pressed the pause button, and they start to choke. Suddenly, their wings are ripped off the rest of their bodies, as they all scream as if they were about to die. Right after, as Abby's eyes become red, the angels hanging in the air suddenly all have their necks broken at the same time, as their bodies fall on the ground.

Their mouths wide open, Christen and Jessie watch as another shadowy form appears in the sky, this time with cutting red wings, that looked just like minions of knives. Abby had just spoken inaudible words in Greek, and when the special angel comes closer, Jessie just gasps in surprise: the Angel of Death, Kristie Mewis, was above Kelley and Abby, visibly subjected to the Queen of Hell like a stray dog. 

Christen then gasps in turn: behind her, a familiar blonde appears, which makes her heart explode: Mapi is there, and as soon as the Spanish girl spots the dark-haired, she winks at her, visibly moved to see her. 

In the meantime, Kelley was not so confident after all. 

"Well, I see your powers have grown and are under your control now..." she comments, visibly not reassured.

"Well, what can I say: you did leave me locked up in Hell for decades (time passes way faster than on Earth or Heaven down there)" Abby sassily lets out, before turning toward Krisite and winking at her playfully. The other blonde has transparent eyes, and when she groans, Abby adds: "I hope you're ready, sister, because your death will be slow and painful."

With that said, Abby opens her hand face-down right in front of her, stretching her arm toward her older sister, who cannot do anything: Kelley's whole body tenses up, as the veins on her neck are exploding one by one, while the brunette would scream because of the unbearable pain - her organs were slowly opening from the inside, as she was internally bleeding, and the more Abby would close her fist, the less she could breathe.

When Mallory attempts to fly and take on Abby, Kristie immediately realises it and makes a sudden move, that results in some of her wings actually detaching themselves from her body - they are now planted all over Mallory's chest, who falls on the ground, dead.

On the ground, Christen and Jessie exchange a look.

"Goodbye, sister, I'll see you in Hell very soon." Abby whispers.

With that said, she closes her fist completely, while Kelley's body basically explode, her blood and organs dissolving themselves all around the place, sometimes landing on angels or anomalies, who were shaken up.

They could see in Abby's eyes that Kelley wouldn't be the only person she'd kill: she came here with a mission, and there was no turning back now...


Ashlyn gasps, out of her mind.

She propulses Crystal away from her after she shared with her the feelings she has felt for Shelina all this time - the dark-haired crashes on the other side of the room, while Shelina screams her name, unable to move.

In has entered Ali, who just frowns.

"Why is that bastard still alive?" she asks, staring right at Shelina.

But Ashlyn seemed deeply confused, as she responds, only staring at her daughter:

"The struggle between love and power sure is seen in a brand new light now - what that girlfriend of yours showed me and made me feel were unknown to me. I do not even feel this toward my own wife - and still, the struggle continues. Why does one have to chose between love and power? Cannot one have it all?"

Shelina shouts at the other end of the room, ignoring her mother's thinking:


"My love, what are you doing?" Ali asks, insistent, grabbing her wife's shoulders, staring right into her eyes with rage. Setting her jaw, she continues: "The task is simple: we kill that bastard of yours and her little friends, kill Satan's daughter, and then the world keeps being ours."

"I need a moment to think" Ashlyn says, cold.

There is a small moment of silence, during which Ali understands what is going on: her wife has seen something clearly, and now there was an internal battle between what she wanted and what she now wants.

Grabbing the occasion, Ali runs toward Shelina before anyone can do anything, and grabs from behind her back one of Kristie's wings - one of the only weapons other than powers able to kill a celestial. She then puts her arm around Shelina's neck, and put the wing/knife under her throat, on the verge of killing her.

Crystal, who had regained consciousness, was too far to do anything. 

"Stop right now, wife" Ashlyn orders, absolutely out of her mind.

"You will thank me in a million years, my love" Ali whispers, before she intends to cut Shelina's throat. 

But, instead, she opens her mouth, and when blood comes out of it and that Crystal spots Magda at the entrance of the room, she immediately understands what is going on:

Jill becomes visible and appears behind Ali, holding a bloody knife in her right hand, her face full of blood. Ali's body falls on the ground, as Ashlyn's eyes immediately change. 

Shelina knows what is going on, and when Ashlyn's wrath in the form of a blinding light goes straight toward Jill and, by extension, Crystal, the blonde suddenly gets up, breaking her chains, and takes on the light.

If I have to die, let it as well be saving the one I love, the thinks to herself, as everything becomes white...

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