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The group had decided that Sam needed to get some rest, as travelling through the minds - even those that are in some parts of Hell it seems - just exhausted her, and darkened her thoughts inevitably. Kristie volunteered to keep an eye on her, but so far (after two days) she still wasn't able to make her little sister speak a single word. Sam would just stare into emptiness for hours, only barely physically reacting to Krisite's words. Never had Kristie seen her sister like that, even when they parents passed, she was still present. But now, with everything she's gone through and Abby's possible change of clan, it was too much. 

After forcing her sister to eat something, Kristie walks down the stairs, deeply worried, only to find someone familiar in her kitchen: Kelley O'Hara.

Quite immediately, Kristie grabs one of the kitchen's knives, which makes the brunette in front of her burst into laughter: obviously, she had powers, while Kristie had none, which would compensate plenty for her ridiculous knife. Still, Kristie keeps a straight face, not willing to show her deep concern and fear at the moment, although Kelley could feel it from miles away. Smirking, openly mocking the blonde, Satan's other daughter sits down on one of the high chairs, looking around.

After a few moments in silence, Kelley ends up saying:

"Chill out, Mewis - I ain't here to kill you, or your sister for that matter."

"Then why on Earth are you here?" Kristie immediately asks, aggressive. 

Kelley lets an evil laugh out of her throat, as the veins from her forehead and neck are showing. 

"Aw, you're just a small, clueless human, Kristie: you've got no idea who you are talking to right now, do you?"

"All I see is the stupid party girl from the Westside" the blonde responds.

"Ouch, kitty got claws!" Kelley exclaims, smirking. As Kristie frowns, she continues: "Y'all really thought I wanted to take over daddy's throne and rule Hell for all of eternity? (Kristie frowns, as Kelley bursts into laughter) Hell, no ! And I ain't even kidding, who would want to be stuck in the worse place of existence all their lives?"

"Certainly not Abby" Kristie points out, frowning, "and yet you switched places with her without hesitation."

Kelley shrugs, raising her eyebrows. 

"You've made your position clear, Mewis, so let's move on: I am here because you sister has displayed impressive abilities, and I want her to work with me."

"Can't you just enjoy freedom and leave Sunnyvale the fuck alone?" Kristie asks, truly annoyed. As Kelley frowns, surprised, the blonde continues: "I mean, I even miss the meaningless feud between West and East 'cause I don't like this ghost town shit."

"Oh, I could - but what's the fun in it if I can't take revenge on the celestials for having such a fucked up system? I mean, who deserves to be stuck in the undergrounds while all of them fuckers are enjoying Heaven ? I mean, who got to decide Satan's side were the bad guys, uh? Samael was only a child like the others."

Kristie shakes her head. 

"So, basically you need the Five's help to destroy celestials in Heaven ?" she asks, hesitant.

"Finally you seem to understand something, stupid human: but it's too late, 'cause I got bored of you. Now, I'm gonna see Sammy."

"No, you won't, I-"

But Kelley only has to lift one finger to propel Kristie against the wall of her own house, heavily falling on the ground.

Kelley cracks her neck, before walking up the stairs.


Christen meets Mapi by the river separating Sunnyvale in two, ready to be brought to Heaven and negotiate with God because of Her inaction. The angel, on the other hand, wasn't too thrilled: she was risking everything, but she knew Christen would achieve her goal anyway, so she better be there to protect her.

The tattooed blonde sighs when she sees the dark-haired walking closer.

"It's still time to become reasonable, Christen" Mapi warns her, frowning.

"There is nothing you can say that will make me change my mind, María: I feel it in my heart that it's what I am supposed to do now." the other girl only responds, confident. 

Sighing, the angel deploys her huge wings, making Christen's hair heaving a little, as her eyes were set on the tattooed girl, in awe. 

Cracking a smile, Christen states:

"You are beautiful"

Without thinking about it, she just spoke her deepest and most hidden thoughts, and suddenly the images from their night together came back rushing to her mind. Blushing a tiny bit, Christen then coughs awkwardly, looking away.

Mapi sighs.

"Ready ? 'Cause once we start there's no going back, understood?"

"Understood" Christen nods.

She therefore walks closer to the blonde, who looks down at her, setting her jaw. Christen then awkwardly stands in front of her, wondering how an angel would carry someone while flying to Heaven, and she soon got her response. Extremely uneasy, Mapi opens her arms, as Christen was supposed to be carried like a princess. 

Blushing even more, Christen accepts this awkward position, and as soon as she is in Mapi's arms, she avoid the blonde's insistent stare.

This is when it happens: her eyes sparkling in despair, Mapi just leans forward and kisses Christen with fierce, as the dark-haired immediately kisses her back, her hands finding their way through her hair. Still carrying Christen, Mapi just gives herself into the kiss, feeling her whole body burning in passion.

But they were out of time, so she herself breaks the contact, while Christen keeps her eyes close for a few more seconds, before opening them and realising Mapi had a tear rolling down her cheek. 

"Por si acaso" Mapi whispers, biting her lips (English: just in case).

With that said, the blonde deploys her wings and starts flinging them, as her feet would leave the ground. Christen would hold on to Marìa as if it was the last time she would ever feel her against her own body.

Suddenly, carrying Christen would feel much more heavy, and Mapi realises someone had grabbed her leg, holding down tight to it.

But it was too late: the clouds soon appears, and before she could say anything, they were in Heaven still, landing quite heavily on the ground, as she and Christen both roll on the unsteady ground, while a third person gets on her feet. 

Mapi's eyes go wide: Tierna invited herself to the party.

"Mierda, soy un ángel muerto" she exclaims, sighing (English: holy shit, I am a dead angel.)

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