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For a few days now, police forces had been deployed all over Westside High School's grounds and everywhere the students are meeting, leaving them with no place to distract themselves from the greatest tragedy ever occurring in the small down of Sunnyvale. Tonight, however, Kelley O'Hara was throwing the illegal party of her life. 

There is a place in the Westside, near the lake and natural park of Southgate, where an abandoned cabin had enough room - 8, exactly, in 3 different floors - to host an illegal party. And it was quite perfect, Kelley made sure of it: no neighbours nor inhabited houses in a 10-kilometres ratio, as well as huge trees hiding the spot. In other words, Kelley had found the perfect spot to start her new drug realm with Julie and Crystal, although the latter did not agree to this party.

Either way, the music was playing loudly in the speakers, while students from West and East sides of the town showed up, momentarily forgetting all about their differences thanks to the sweet taste of alcohol and drugs. 

Tobin, however, was quite nervous - and she had every good reason to be with supernatural stuffs happening around town lately. So, when she spotted Kelley already high on drugs, laughing her ass off with Julie and a few other of her friends, the brunette just decided to get to Crystal, who was drinking alone at the bar.

"'Sup, sis'?" Tobin nonchalantly asks, waving at the waitress to serve her a drink, the same as Crystal's - dry gin. 

"You mean, other than the facts that, 1) Kelley is selling our drugs to high-profiled students from the Eastside, which can directly help the police track us down and, 2) that Christen is held hostage in a mental hospital for something I also see - freakin' shadows - and hasn't shown any sign of life yet, everything's amazeballs."

Tobin drinks her glass bottoms up.

"Kelley's losing it" the brunette states in full agreement with her friend.

Of course she knew Crystal was always the bunch's reasonable one: ever since they met at that three-year-olds' dance rehearsal, a very strong friendship was formed between Crystal, Tobin, Christen, Kelley, Megan and Allie. And since they'd already lost one of them, Tobin was having trouble grasping Kelley's ruthless behaviour. 

Crystal also drinks, visibly troubled.

"I am starting to think I am losing it too..." she lets out, completely fed up with the current situation. As Tobin throws her an interrogative look, the other girl smirks and blurts out: "Well, remember how I touched a dead girl's body and saw the past or something? (Tobin nods, frowning) Turns out it happens with living people as well, and it scares them the hell away, which is understandable."

Tobin has a smirk on her face for a moment. 

"With who did it happen?" the brunette asks, somehow already knowing the answer.

"If I tell you, promise me you won't either laugh or reprimand me - I know it's bad, okay?" Crystal says, rolling her eyes.

"Okay. Spill it out."

Crystal lets a loud sigh out, before saying in a low voice:

"Shelina Zadorsky."

"Oh... Ohhhhhhhh" Tobin reacts, making a very serious face. At least until she turns around to spot the brunette stepping into the room, accompanied by Alanna Kennedy and Krisite Mewis, before she says: "Nah, I get it - she's pretty hot."

"That's not it" Crystal immediately says, and somehow she knows she is lying to herself. As she blushes, she clears her throat and adds: "We accidentally touched hands and-"

"Accidentally my ass" Tobin comments, before getting up. As Crystal watches her go with astonishment, the brunette raises her drink and says: "You're obviously in denial, so, when you finally accept the fact that you're attracted to little miss perfect cheerleader Zadorsky, let's have an honest chat about it. In the meantime, have fun, Dunny."

With that said, she walks away, leaving Crystal on her own, as Shelina had vanished in the crowd - little did she know that the Canadian did in fact spot her while entering, but was too much of a coward to walk up to her, and even too drunk.

Sighing, Crystal just drinks, and drinks, and drinks... until she sees Mapi Leòn's text on her phone:

From Marìa Leòn {11:02 PM}: I went by the hospital, and they said Christen was moved to a specialised facility which location is kept secret. That's hella shady. Call me back when you're sober tomorrow.


Tobin grabs Krisite's arm, before dragging her outside the cabin onto the woods, by the lake's side, quite angry.

The blonde was totally high, as she angrily asks:

"What the fuck, Heath?"

"You're doing drugs now?" Tobin asks, simultaneously crossing her arms against her chest and raising her eyebrows. Before Kristie can respond (thank God drugs make the time of reaction longer), she goes on: "I knew you were dumb, but setting up a trap to my friends as obviously as you're doing makes you Queen of Dumbness."

Kristie bursts into laughter - drugs, again, it seems.

"What on Earth are you talk-" the blonde starts.

But Tobin loses patience: she grabs onto Kristie's collar, getting her closer to her, menacing her with deadly eyes.

As the blonde's eyes briefly slip to Tobin's lips, the latter angrily asks:

"What in it for you, uh? Did you lovely daddy tell you to set 'em up, uh? Is Kennedy part of your little plan to make daddy proud as well?"

This time, Kristie wasn't laughing: she pushes Tobin away harshly, before saying in quite a loud voice:

"Shut the fuck up, you've got no idea what you're talking about!"

"Oh, really?" Tobin asks, not giving up. As Kristie's eyes are even more fiery, the other girl says: "Then explain why the sheriff's perfect daughter, a gift from the gods, a living legend in the East, would buy drugs from people she despises, if not to turn them in?"

Kristie rolls her eyes.

"You want me to say it, then fine, I'll say it: 'cause I'm an addict. Here, now you have it: the prodigy daughter isn't quite every father's dream, and he keeps on reminding me that every day, although I got it from him, as well as our deranged mother."

Tobin frowns, beaten. 

"I didn't know-"

"Of course you didn't. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'll get back to my friends and get wasted, 'cause that's the only way I can forget about my shitty life. Bye."

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