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"And there was a moment when you thought: oh, this is a fucking genius idea! Yeah, why not fucking do that and just stay here forever?"

"Since you have no fucking idea what you're talking about, perra estúpida (English: dumb bitch), I prefer if you'd change your tone and just listen to what i have to say."

"Oh, yeah sure: if you betrayed for fucking master, who you were supposed to be designed to work for your entire fucking existence, then yes, I am so fucking reassured to have to trust you! This is an amazing idea!"

"Calla la boca y céntrate en salir de aquí antes de que nos maten... o nos matemos entre nosotros." (English: shut the fuck up and just focus on getting out of here before we get killed - or kill each other."

"Sorry, no habla Mexican you bitch"

"It's not even Mexican, bastardio ignorantes" (English: fucking ignorant)

"I am American, what did you expect? Plus, instead of yelling at me, you should really take a freakin' minute to think about your life choices and how to fix 'em!"

"My life choices? MY life choices? You have become the Angel of Death and almost killed my best friend because you were too damn dumb to just stay hidden like the possessed bitch you were! You weren't even here when your sister died!"

Kristie's face decomposes.

Quite immediately, Mapi knows she has gone too far: from the look on Kristie's face, she had no idea her little sister was not amongst the living anymore. Becoming paler than usual, Kristie lets herself fall on her knees, before grabbing her face between her hands and bursting into tears silently, without the single noise. Feeling awful, Mapi just sits down across from her, unable to go near her because of the chains.

After a moment, the Spanish softly says:

"She wasn't in pain, if you wanna know: she was fucking courageous even, un verdadero soldado sin miedo (English: a real soldier without any fears): when the world we lived in was ending, she knew she had to do something not to get separated from Tierna, who had just died in her arms from the hands of an angel - so she fucking avenged her, and when she cut the angel in question's head, she got caught by an arrow made of black steel : we haven't figured out who that came from, but either way it was too late for Sam - she died right away."

But Kristie wasn't really listening: rather, she was drowning in her pain and anger, her black eyes set right in front of her. 

Mapi sighs: she was broken.

After a while, they both hear a noise coming from above their heads - a dull sound that resonated in the whole cave they were in, making the ground tremble. 

Suddenly, she realises what it is about, and just breathes out:



Ever since Magda had woken up alone in Rosella's hospital room, she hasn't been herself - knowing that her injured friend, who just experienced a major event (catching fire, per say), went missing the day after she killed three people to protect Magda was no coincidence: something definitely has happened. 

The disappearance of Rosella Ayane has made the news of every newspaper around Melas University, and away from the college's halls - searches were organised the following week, but nothing was found, the girl had totally vanished. 

Mallory Pugh, on the other hand, was elected Students' President - thanks to her dad's favours and was rumoured to be dating a secret person, since she has been seen nowhere for one whole week, and went out during the night. 

Also going out during the night: the Locker Room Crew, as they'd call themselves - Christen, Crystal, Jessie and now Jill, trying to figure out a way to protect themselves once the Goddess and her blood-thirsty angels find a breach to enter the reality they're in and try to kill them all, which they will since they're made of bigger numbers... 

This past week, other than Rosella's disappearance, things have been pretty calm here in Melas University... Too calm...

"So you're telling me one of us can contact people's minds wherever they are?" Jill asks, way too excited about everything.

Crystal nods, smirking.

"Yup - even here"

"This is an insane power to have !" Jill exclaims, before adding: "Sam must be a badass!"

"Was" Christen coldly corrects their new ally. Quite immediately, as Jill's interrogative eyes stare at her, she adds: "She was a badass - now she's dead and spending the rest of her existence in Hell although she has been a good person her whole life, because there ain't no fucking Heaven, it's all a fucking skam."

"Way to kill the mood..." the Dutch only comments.

But Christen choses to ignore her.

Before any of them could say anything, there is a weird noise, and the earth starts trembling, just like a earthquake, but stronger: objects start falling from where they were hanging or positioned, as Christen closes her eyes and prevents them from falling. Quite shaken up by the earthquake, Jill watches with admiration. 

After a while, the earthquake stops, and a voice raises behind them:

"Well, you certainly look stupid right now"

Christen turns around first, before bright smile appears on her face while she exclaims:


"Hi!" the tall blonde awkwardly says, smirking. Just like if she just remembered she needed to tell them something important and stick to the point, she then quickly goes on: "I've been having trouble reaching you guys: there's some news."

Crystal immediately loses her smile.

"Uh oh, this never is good..." she comments, scared.

Sam nods.

"Indeed: I think... or rather, we think that Abby is finally ready."

"She is?" Crystal asks, surprised.

Confused, Jill looks for explanation by throwing a glare at Christen, who doesn't react ; instead, it is Jessie who exclaims:

"The Master will return and her wrath will be heard up to Heaven!"

"Aren't you a tad dramatic ?" Sam asks, raising her eyebrows.

"Those shitheads can die I don't give a shit" Jessie says, before realising she might as well get killed right away by her allies. Holding her breath, she adds: "I mean, except those girlfriends of yours, of course."

"Of course" Christen deliberately mocks her.

Jill, still out of the conversation, asks again:

"This Abby is ready for what exactly?" 

Christen only nods and says:

"Satan is ready to make her come back on Earth and save our friends."

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