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Christen and Sam stare at each other for a while, before both of them start feeling stressed out again. 

Don't get them wrong: even though seeing their friends again had been sweet and felt normal, they knew damn well that one day, they would be able to leave this place, but the ghosts won't - and this was making their day much less easy to think that they will never see them again after that. 

After realising that her sister was a serial killer (well, a possessed one, because it was the difference that would change everything), Sam just felt like she needed some space: indeed, everything in the In-Between seemed unreal, and as much as she wanted to go back to the real world, she couldn't leave until she was 100% sure her sister would come back as well. 

This morning - or at least Sam though it was through her calculations, because time did not seem to pass at all here - everybody was laughing but the two livings, who felt like their stomach would get out of their bodies entirely because of nausea. Sam had barely eaten, mostly because she did not feel the urge to eat or drink, maybe because she was in a state that half-dead people get to when they get killed by shadows.

All this time, she could only think about two people: Tierna and Abby, who she missed with her entire soul - which was quite scary to her, since they had only spent one night together before she disappeared in another dimension. 

"Hey, Sammy" Christen says from behind Sam, who was standing on the balcony, leaning against the barrier. She jumps a little, as the dark-haired goes on: "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you."

"It's fine" the taller girl responds.

Christen then leans against the barrier as well, thoughtful. 

"I never thought I'd ever say that about an Eastsider, but I am kind of worried about Shelina" she then blurts out, frowning. 

"So" Sam lets out, hesitant, "something weird happened last night. I was dreaming, and..."

"And?" Christen insists, realising that the blonde wouldn't go any faster on her own. As Sam hesitates a little longer, she adds: "C'mon, we don't have all day: spit it out!"

Sam sighs.

"... I actually saw her, like, she was in some cave, a-a-and I think she saw me, but when I tried to talk to her, she didn't hear me and then I woke up."

"This is so weird... Was it only a dream?" 

"I am not sure... It definitely seemed too real to be only just a dream..." Sam admits, sighing. After a while, she adds without really realising it: "That's when I wish Tierna and Abby were here, they always know what to inquire next, a-a-and-"

But she abruptly stops, realising that she was being too soft.

It was obviously too late, as Christen softly laughs when she sees Sam's face turn red as a tomato. Smirking, she then gives the younger girl a pat on the back, trying to say something like it's okay to be in a three-way relationship, Sammy: it's the 21st Century, women do whatever the hell they want with their clitoris

Before she can say it in words, the door of the balcony opens in a rush, as Megan comes in, deeply disturbed.

"Sorry to interrupt" she says, out of breath, "but we have a huge problem..."

"What is it?" Christen asks, as Sam's eyes go wide, her heart beating faster on her chest.

Megan takes a deep breath, before announcing:

"The fifteenth victim has arrived in the In-Between, which means..."

"... that Kelley has enough energy to kill Shelina." Sam states, in shock. 

Right after she said that, Christen and her realise that there is someone behind Megan, that is revealed when she steps aside. 

The fifteenth victim was Rose Lavelle.


Crystal was walking down the street when a police car just stopped right next to her, with four cops and a woman in a suit getting out of it all at once, walking straight toward her - obviously, as a Black woman, she knew what that was all about: she was about to get arrested, or worse...

... until she realises the woman in question actually is Shelina's mother and newly appointed sheriff, Mary Zadorsky.

"Miss Dunn" the White lady asks, showing her her police badge. As Crystal nods, the brunette goes on: "We need to talk."

Crystal nods.

"Sure. What about?"

"Oh, you know damn well what, or rather who, I want to talk to you about, and I strongly advise you not to play dummy with me" the sheriff lets out, quite annoyed. As Crystal nods once again, she still clears out: "I am going to go straight to the point: my daughter is missing, and I am certain you have something to do with it."

"So, you think I kidnapped her or something?" Crystal asks, half-confused, half-amused. 

Mary Zadorsky smirks, annoyed. 

"Listen, I know you two have been... seeing each other - although it goes beyond my comprehension that she seems to actually like spending time with you a lot - which means that she must've talked to you. Right?"

"M'mam, with all due respect, I have no idea where your daughter is"

The sheriff sighs.

Then, she just gets closer to Crystal, and grabs her forearm, setting her jaw. Her eyes were throwing daggers at Crystal, as the dark-haired just remained still, calm and collected - instead of freaking out, she would just show indifference. 

"I know you have something to do with why she's gone, and I swear to you I am going to find out why, and then I'll make sure the rest of your life will be a living hell if you've hurt her or-"


"It's sheriff, Miss Dunn"

"Sheriff Z, let me get one thing straight: I am not, and I am in love with your daughter to a point where only thinking about hurting her is unbearable. Do you really believe I would have something to do with her disappearance when I, myself, am terrified that she might never come back?"

Mary Zadorsky's face had become red with terror and anger. 

"I don't know what you thought you and my Shelina had, but let me tell you something, kid: my daughter's exactly like me - she doesn't have a heart, so you might as well want to forget her, because she won't date a girl, let alone a Westsider. Got it?"

As the sheriff turns around and walks away with her squad, Crystal sighs: oh but she isn't even your daughter, Mrs Z: she's a hundred-years-old witch - have a terrible day!

But, inside of her, she was hurting: what if Shelina never came back, or came back but would never be the same?

That night was the first night she'd pray in years - she wanted her back, more than anything, and she was ready to pay the prize...

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