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Jill catches her breath.

They didn't see me.... They didn't see me... Why didn't they see me...?

Those questions were running errand inside the Dutch's brain, as she would walk in circle in the huge library halls, when only she and three other people top were remaining inside the building: the library is closing in ten minutes, at midnight, and she still hasn't figured out anything even after days remaining on the subjects.

Is it possible to be invisible? isn't an easy question to answer, even with books, and so are the questions: memory loss and changement in behaviour, what are the reasonable explanations that do not involve aliens?  Can a specie achieve invisibility? Because, if Jill Roord was studying biology and was passionated with the human genome and the unknown forces of the subconscient, she certainly did not believe in supernatural stuff. 

To her, even what did not make sense had to make rational sense. 

What also did not make any sense to her ? How could Christen Press disturb the laws of physics and make random objects fly around the room ? Instead of asking the librarian for a special pass for the night, Jill compliantly leaves the building when she is told to, and immediately runs to Christen's dorm to confront her.

When she gets there and knock on her door, she hears footsteps and, when Christen opens the door, in her pyjamas, Jill doesn't wait a second to say:

"Hi, I'm coming in thank you"

"Uh, Jill..." Christen starts, but as the blonde walks past her with no regard of her opinion, she rolls her eyes and ironically says: "Yeah, sure, why don't you come in the middle of the night while you're here?"

But the Dutch has zero chill, and as soon as she enters Christen's single room, she starts opening every drawers and emptying it, under Christen's beyond shocked eyes.

Quite immediately, the dark-haired reacts by pushing her away from her stuff, annoyed to the highest point.

"What the Hell do you think you're doing? Are you insane?"

"Am I?" Jill rhetorically asks, with the eyes of a mad woman. Receiving a confused look from Christen, she clears out any sort of confusion: "I saw you and Crystal and that other girl in the locker rooms the other night... I saw what you can do, and I can't make sense of it, but I will, believe me I will-"

"You're acting crazy Jill..."

"Oh, am I ? 'Cause you certainly heard some noise that night, and when you came out to check if there was someone there, you didn't see anyone... you didn't see me... And I was right there... you guys didn't see me..."

Christen's eyes go wide.

"What ?" she asks in disbelief.

"It was like I was never there... You didn't see me"

"Oh fuck" the dark-haired lets out, confused.

Jill frowns: this was her fear, that Christen would actually understand anything that is going on right now.

Setting her jaw, she only asks:

"Tell me what the fuck is going on."

Christen sighs: she has no choice.

After telling her the whole story of Sunnyvale and the celestials, about Hell and Heaven, about her friends, the angels, the new Satan and everything they've been through, Christen finishes off with the big reveal that God isn't a man, and isn't a good person - way to let everyone down easy... - under Jill's unemotional eyes.

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