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There had been so many dead.

So many heartbreaks.

And Emily was in the middle of that, powerless just like Tobin is, as the two girls would just watch as demons, celestials and angels would tear each other apart, and greater force they did not quite understand were at work. 

It had been establishes that Ingrid, Mapi and Nichelle were on The Five's side, as they saved Kristie's life earlier today - although the transformation from angel to human would change her life, a great deal of pain was going through her whole body, as her screams could be heard in the buildings around. Since evil angels were now in Sunnyvale, the squad decided to hide in their usual spot - The Circle - so that they wouldn't endanger their families. Back rooms were used as bedrooms, as they were split by groups of two or three. 

Kelley, Christen, Crystal, Sam and Tierna would try and do their best, along with Mapi and Ingrid, to use their powers to protect the bar from any enemy coming their ways. In the meantime, Kristie was recovering, while Tobin and Sonnett were sent home - as humans, they did not risk anything, it was The Five that the Goddess wanted dead. The only exception to this was Julie, who had been trying to find a way to talk to Ingrid one-on-one in order to understand the connection there was between them. 

Tonight, while Tierna and Sam were in bed, Sam had the weirdest dream and woke up all sweaty, making Tierna jump in the process.

"Sammy? What's wrong?"

"I-I s-s-saw her.... I s-saw he-er..." Sam stumbles, on the verge of having a heart attack.

"You saw who, exactly?" Tierna immediately asks, before her eyes go wide. Of course she knew Sam enough to know who she was referring to, as she asks in order to be sure: "A-Abby?"

Sam nods.

"Yes... Our love" the blonde whispers, before getting out of bed. As Tierna gets up as well, Sam goes on, speaking too fast without even breathing or thirty seconds: "I-I don't get it, when I saw her, she was s-so different, in so much pain and in such a dark place... S-she looked at me for a second only, and then I came back here... How is it fair that I'm able to see her only seconds and then she disappears again ? How are we supposed to save her? I don't-"

But as Sam bursts into tears, Tierna immediately wraps her arms around her, feeling the blonde's pain in her own body as well. As she caresses her back - she knew Sam would have a breakdown, she's had so many already those past months - Tierna just tears up.

After the few minutes it took Sam to calm down, they just both sit down on the bed, sniffing loudly.

"None of this is fair, but we have to trust her, Sammy: Abby is strong, and she will find a way to come back."

"Even if she's the ruler of Hell ?" Sam asks, hopeful.

"Well, she's the hottest Satan to ever have walked Hell, so I guess nothing's impossible?" Tierna lets out, trying to make Sam laugh.

She does - but it is a sad laugh, as the two lovers were missing their third part, waiting for her to come back with despair...


Sunnyvale had become a ghost town without ghosts: the streets were empty, and the inhabitants were living in fear. 

Nobody had seen Tobin for days, as Kristie was finally getting better: with Sam and Nichelle always by her side, the blonde's pain was fading slowly, as she was feeling the difference within her body and her newly found strength - she now is an angel. Sonnett, on the other hand, had called Tierna several times - as best friends would do - but also Kelley surprisingly, as the two of them had become such great friends. As demons could not come to Earth, she was the lone one within Sunnyvale - or so they thought... - and was feeling the guilt of abandoning her sister in Hell grow every day... but she had to do it.

This morning, it was quite early when Kelley went to the hidden terrace in order to smoke a cigarette - and realised quite disappointed that someone already was there: Julie Johnston was staring in a void, out of her mind.

"Well, if it isn't the Wish version of Pamela Anderson" Kelley sarcastically lets out, making Julie turning around immediately.

Realising it's her, Julie rolls her eyes.

"I'm quite far to have her breast so, yeah, you're kind of out of subject anyhow." the blonde then lets out, deciding not to let Kelley get inside her head.

"Don't worry honey, some women are into it - I bet our good angel-friend Ingrid is into small boobs from the way she looks at you all the time. You're lucky."

"First of all, she is not looking at me all the time" Julie immediately fights back, rolling her eyes. As Kelley shakes her head ironically, the blonde adds: "Secondly, how am I lucky ? My former two business partners are a demon and a medium" 

Kelley smirks, nodding her head.

"You're lucky 'cause nobody will ever look at me the way Ingrid looks at you: I'm a freakin' demon, we don't have fucking soulmates, we just live on forever, alone." 

"Woah, I never thought that would make you sad not to have a soulmate - I mean, demons don't own a soul, right?"

"Right" Kelley answers, smirking again. As Julie is about to head back inside, the brunette quickly adds: "But, seriously, you're lucky to be loved: don't run away from her, even if she has wings."

Julie bursts into laughter and, for the first time in a year, she finally finds the friend she's made along the way while selling drugs to their high school back - the person she thinks is the 'real' Kelley O'Hara -- a person, not a demon.

Sighing, Julie feels a fuzzy feeling inside of her chest while Kelley quickly finishes her cigarette and goes back inside. She salutes someone coldly, and Julie immediately feels this familiar shiver down her spine.

She turns around, as Ingrid advances hesitantly, quite shy.

"Hi" Julie lets out in a whisper, her breath taken away by those dreamy green eyes.

Ingrid cracks a smile.

"Hi" she says in return, "fancy walking with me for a while ?"

Julie nods and follows Ingrid, who flies them into the forest. As always, the tension between them resolves when they start talking, and for an hour or two, Julie completely forgets that great dangers are awaiting.

She never believed in soulmates... until now.

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