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It is quite funny to think that Crystal and Sam had the exact same idea: accompanied by Shelina on one side, and by Kristie and Kelley by the other, the two girls stormed into the Heath's house, where Julie, Tobin and Sonnett were chilling out, with Danielle and Ingrid.

Quite immediately, as Crystal and Shelina first stormed into the room, they draw the attention of everyone, while the two angels present in the room immediately understand what is going on: Danielle and Ingrid both get up at once, their wings coming out of their body in protection, while the humans presents were just frowning.

Quite diplomatic, Ingrid raises her hands in front of her, calmly saying:

"Listen, we can explain..."

"We know, okay?" Sam aggressively says from the other side of the room, as she bursts into the room accompanied by her sister and Kelley.

"Oh well, you've been compromised by the devil herself, so I guess you won't listen either way..." Dani mutters under her breath.

"What the fuck?" Tobin exclaims, while she and Julie just seem out of their minds, staring at Kelley.

Sonnett, in the middle of all that, did not understand a thing - she was pretty new to all of this after all - and thought it would be wiser to just not move at all.

Quite immediately, Crystal deploys an imaginary field all around the room, filling everybody in about what she found out - and what the Mewis sister found out as well.

Dani and Ingrid exchange a look, before the first one hisses:

"Well... you give us no choice then..."

With that said, she and Ingrid deploy their wings completely, before Danielle flies right at Crystal, clearly aiming to kill her as soon as possible.

Then something odd happens.

Shelina, who had seen the angel's eyes modify themselves by becoming darker and thirsty for blood, got her body in between her and Crystal, without even thinking. Protecting herself with her arms desperately, a sudden light bursts out of her body and hits Danielle immediately to the heart, visibly going through and through on her body, leaving a big hole in the middle of her chest. Her eyes wide open, the angel crashes on the ground, dead.

Absolutely terrified by her own actions (although unwanted and undoubted), Shelina immediately turns toward Crystal, who just realizes her girlfriend saved her life, while not being God's daughter by chance.

Quite immediately, as Ingrid was deploying her wings as well, Kelley teleport herself toward Julie, putting a blade right under her chin.

"What the hell, O'Hara?" Sam exclaims, not that surprised that she would try and harm one of them.

But the blonde suddenly understands why Kelley was threatening Julie's life: Ingrid immediately stopped her movement, her eyes set on Julie - and everybody on the room could just feel the genuine love the angel was feeling despite her loyalties. Julie's eyes were quite emotional when she sees Ingrid put her wings back inside her body, before rolling her eyes and getting on her knees, before Tobin puts her new gun right on her face.

But as she is about to pull the trigger, Kelley -who had let go of Julie - gets in the way, lowering Tobin's weapon, before saying:

"We need her alive: she's our free pass to Heaven to save the rest of you."

Nodding her head with suspicion, Tobin just stands down, while Crystal and Shelina - who were holding each other's hand - get closer. Ingrid looks at the ground, while Julie, absolutely confused, stares at her with insistence, trying to figure out what is going on while everybody else had understood.

Angels could only love one person throughout eternity - and Ingrid's person was Julie.

"We're gonna get our friends back" Sam then announces.


Tierna and Christen were not really in the best situation possible at the moment: forced into kneeling before God and her wife, the two girls (since Christen had finally woken up) just exchange a scared look.

This just makes Ashlyn laugh, as the God of Creation finally speaks up:

"The Anomalies" she calls them out, raising her eyebrows. She then proceeds to walk in circles, as she continues: "That's how we've been calling you those past few months, up here in Heaven: the supernatural creatures created by another hand than God's, that are not supposed to exist in the first place... Thankfully, you're not as clever as you're powerful: you're just fools that came straight here to die."

"What an amazing news" Christen mutters under her breath, in a sassy mood.

Ali, who had heard her, slowly gets up, before her hand is stretched in Christen's direction, and that the dark-haired's veins in her neck start showing, as she is choking in her own organs. She obviously cannot breathe anymore, holding her neck between her hands.

When Ashlyn makes her a sign to stop, her wife executes herself, before sitting back down on her throne, disappointed.

Then, the Goddess of everything just walks straight toward Christen - who is starting to breathe again, out of breath - before stopping in front of Tierna. As both girls were on their knees, Ashlyn kneels down in front of the brunette, grabbing her jaw inside her hand, squeezing it pretty hard.

"What a shame - such a beautiful and young face..." she comments under Ali's scrumptious eyes, smirking. As she releases Tierna's jaw, she adds: "You know in truth I've never allowed Adam and Eve to have any children because they were too resistant with my way of things - so when they gave birth to a baby girl, they sent her away before I cast them out forever in the Garden... They won't be pleased to see that the fruit of their efforts will be meaningless - especially when their daughter is a wannabe gardener in disguise..."

Tierna immediately understands the pun: she is Adam and Eve's forbidden daughter... As her eyes go wide, she starts to feel anger grow inside of her body, before God turns toward her wife and makes her a subtle sign - do you want to do it (aka, kill them) or should I? - before the brunette steps forward, a gigantic sword in hand, ready to slit Tierna's throat.

Suddenly something absolutely unreal happens:

The clouds above their heads suddenly turn grey and heavier, with thunderstorms being heard from afar, as well as impressive lightening crashing right next to the thrones once or twice. Suddenly, a form designs itself from the clouds, as a milion shadows appear out of nowhere. While God and her wife turn their faces toward the sky, it is too late: the shadow descend on them, and although they could not kill them properly speaking, they distracted them enough and for enough time for them to break the eye-contact with Christen and Tierna. In the meantime, the angels were flying all over, trying to stop the shadows.

Suddenly, Tierna feels a comforting and familiar hand on her shoulder, and the next thing she knows, she and Christen are propelled in the Black Forest, back in Sunnyvale...

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