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Megan Rapinoe's body was hanging at the top of the second floor's stairs, drained of all its blood.

Becky Sauerbrunn, just like many times before, takes the lead, yelling for everybody to hear:


Screaming in fear and distress, the drunk teenagers don't ask too many questions and do as they're told, as Tobin and Crystal, who had just ran back to the cabin, get to Becky's side. Tierna, Sam and Abby walk back inside as well, terrified by the scenes.

Tobin exhibits a scream shattering everybody's soul, as she watches yet another of her childhood friends dying under her eyes. As she falls on her knees, Tierna wraps her arm around her, like she did when AD Franch died earlier this month. 

Other than Tobin's loud tears, one could hear Crystal's whispers to Becky:

"It's hard to tell you why right now" the dark-haired was saying, making Becky frown, "but I need to touch the body."

"I'm sorry, what?" Becky asks, confused. 

Without waiting for her consent, Crystal runs up the stairs and manages to touch one of Megan's hands.

Immediately, the scenes change, as Crystal feels like she is falling in a temporal loop or black hole or something, feeling her whole body being sucked in what seems another dimension, before finding herself exactly where she was fifteen minutes ago, but this time she was seeing the scene from an external point of view. 

Therefore, she was seeing her - Crystal - at the exact moment when the eye contact happened between her and Shelina Zadorsky, who was making out with Megan Rapinoe. Then, as the real Crystal leaves (like she did ten minutes ago), the other Crystal still is there, feeling her body leading her closer to the two girls, who were kissing again. 

After a few seconds, Megan breaks contact and asks:

"Wait a second, what was that all about?" 

Trying to kiss her again, Shelina whispers:

"Nothing, let's jut-"

But Megan wouldn't hear that as an answer: she grabs Shelina's hands, pushing her away in the process, looking at her right in the eyes when she states:

"Making out with you to help you forget Crystal was one thing, but I actually like you, She. I can't keep doing this."

With that said, she forces Shelina up, before walking away.

The scenery then immediately changes, as Crystal is propelled in a different room with a close door, in which Megan was crying. According to her state, the dark-haired assumed it was only minutes after the scene with Shelina, but it was hard to see as the scene seemed to be surrounded by heavy fog, just like the scenes of Lynn Williams' memory.

Megan is seemingly alone, until the point when shadows join the lonely party: they go through the walls, before surrounding Megan, who wasn't able to see them. Then, as they strangle her and that she tries to fight back, Megan falls on the ground, gasping for air, but it is too late: the shadows are killing her.

Oddly enough, one of the shadow - that has quite a human form if it wasn't for the faceless mask the had on their faces - turns toward Crystal.

You can see me?

The shadow extends its hand toward Crystal, that gets her back to reality, as she is propelled onto the ground, meters away from where she touched Megan's body. Becky was looking at her in disbelief, as Abby, Tierna and Sam all had terrified expressions on their faces.

Crystal only sees the shadow fly past her, going straight to a new guest that just invited herself to the murder party: Shelina.

"No, Shelina, run!" Crystal orders.

But, naturally, as the Canadian couldn't see the shadow flying right at her - and, on the other hand, well able to see Megan's hanging body - all she does is scream, before the shadow attacks her, grabbing her neck with its shadowy hand, lifting her from the ground to such height that Shelina's body was on the same horizontal line than Megan's.

The brunette was getting strangled as well, fighting in vain. 

That's when Crystal turns toward Abby, remembering what the girls had told her about their encounter with Christen's grandmother, before she yells:

"Abby, help her ! Fucking HELP HER"

The blonde, who is in shock, just freezes. 

The voices then start getting louder and louder, as Becky was staring at the scene in disbelief, seeing Shelina getting strangled in the air by what seems to her as an invisible force. Tobin, on the other hand, knew oh too well what was going on, since Tierna described her the previous scenes. 

Tobin turns to Abby, also yelling:

"What are you waiting for, Dahlkemper! Save her!"

Terrified and completely lost, Abby hears the voices getting louder, just like Tierna, Sam and Crystal did: 

She is ours to take... The prophecy needs to happen... The prophecy...

But, soon, another voice joins the dance - Abby's: ENOUGH, let her go or feel my wrath.

As the shadows do not obey, and that Shelina almost is out of breath, something beyond surprising happens: when Abby raises her hands up in front of her, a dark, aerial matter escapes from her hands, touching the shadows straight to their core, destroying them from the inside. The four or five shadowy figures that were floating around the room just vanishes after loud cries came out of their forms, before Shelina falls on the ground heavily.

Or at least she was going to, until the dark matter surrounded her instead, carrying her safely onto the ground.

Right after, Abby falls on the ground, unconscious, as Crystal runs toward Shelina, grabbing her face with her hands, realising that the brunette was going to be okay with relief. 


Outside, amongst the crowd of scared students that were hearing the police's sirens breaking the deadly silence, Kristie and Alanna find their way back to each other.

The American speaks first in a furtive voice:

"We need to advance to phase two" 

The Australian shakes her head in disagreement, before answering with concern:

"They don't suspect anything yet, we need to take advantage of that and complete the initial stage if we want everything else to work out perfectly."

Kristie sighs.

"We're out of time."

"Patience, Mewis - everything comes to those who wait."

Beaten, Kristie nods her head, before the two blondes separate into the crowd.

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