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Crystal stares at Shelina - as they were both the last ones on Earth, literally speaking - before sighing loudly: of course what she just told her was hard to believe and messed up, as there seemed to be no way out.

What Crystal saw touching Alyssa Naeher's hand could be summarized in a few points:

1. Sunnyvale really is a creation of God where she put all of the outcasts and their successors (who usually don't have powers) - therefore descendants of celestial of Hell were in the Westside, while descendants of Heaven were in the Eastside.

2. God sent her lover (Mary Zadorsky) and her daughter (Shelina) in Sunnyvale to protect them from her wife's (Ali) wrath.

3. God had no idea about The Five, who seem to be anomalies created not from her hands, hence she sent some of her angels (Mapi, Dani and Ingrid) on Earth to study them and try and get some answers.

4. Kelley's whole plan was to deliver herself from her duties toward her father - which was, find Satan's lost daughter and powerful heiress and bring her back in exchange of Kelley's freedom - in order to then break the established order, starting by Sunnyvale.

5. Alyssa Naeher, first as a doctor, then as a sheriff, was initially sent by God to study The Five (hence she tortured Christen back then) but was in fact working for Kelley since she is a demon, and that they obey to only Satan and his daughters.

6. Kelley's plan is to turn some of the ghosts into demons so that they'd be her servant for whatever reason.

7. None of the girls were safe, especially those in Heaven.

As a matter of fact, the last point was just about to be discussed between Crystal and a terribly confused Shelina:

"What do you mean it's reversed?" the brunette asks in disbelief.

Crystal sighs.

"I mean, think about it: the Bible always told us that Heaven were the good guys and the bad guys went to Hell to be tortured - but what if it's reversed?"

"You mean, God is bad?"

"Would it be so crazy?" Crystal argues, smirking. As her girlfriend shakes her head in disbelief, she continues: "I mean, one example among many others: why would someone ask Abraham to sacrifice his son? Why would natural disasters and extremists people exist to cause harm? Why would colonialism happen? Why do humans hate each other so much while they rely on a God that preaches 'love', uh?"

Shelina frowns, quite convinced this time, but still reluctant.

"Okay, maybe the view from the Bible is somewhat not that exact, but-"

"The Bible's all bullshit: I mean, if God created men, then she must somehow be able to control them, therefore she could've told whoever wrote the biblical texts whatever she wanted to be told."

"This would mean that all we ever thought was right isn't - that the God that Christians have been worshiping and killing for is a fraud."

Crystal nods her head slowly.

"Exactly - and that also means that our friends in Heaven are in great danger because they probably fell into a trap..."

Other than coping with the fact that she is God's forbidden and hidden daughter cast out of heaven because her mother's wife wanted her dead, Shelina had to take it all in that her progenitor actually is evil, and that everything she's learned thorough her life is a lie.

Setting her jaw, she then says:

"We gotta do something..."


Tierna wakes up because of the weight of the chains around her wrists and ankle, as well as a terrible headache. 

How did I just go from chilling out in a luxury room to being tied up in a fucking dungeon? she asks herself, frowning. As her vision becomes less blurry, she realizes Christen is lying down next to her, still unconscious. The headache that was running through her mind at the moment kept on amplifying...

... until she sees Sam appear in front of her, out of nowhere. 

"Woah, what the fuck...?" Tierna whispers, thinking that it was the headaches provoking all this.

"Baby T, I don't have much time, so please get over the fact that my powers are amazing and listen carefully, can you do that?"

"Sure... I mean, I can't move or do anything else than listen either way, so go for it" 

Sam looks around, before realizing Tierna was taken prisoner.

"Alright, so" the blonde slowly says, trying to control her feelings seeing one of her lovers in such a delicate situation, "don't panic, okay? But, in brief, Kristie and I are in the Garden of Eden, and turns out Adam and Eve's story in the Bible is entirely false: there was never a snake or a choice, but God forced them to sin."


"Shh, listen: everything is upside down - reversed, even - so Heaven is bad, bad news, like, all of it is fake... and... oh I-I... Tierna..."

Suddenly, Sam's image disappears, as the door opens suddenly, and some of the angels they met before - being Pernille Harder and Nichelle Prince, plus Mapi Leòn - make their way in, looking around suspiciously.

Quite immediately, Tierna throws a deadly look at them, especially at the Spanish that literally betrayed them.

"Before you say anything, pequeña ignorante (English: little ignorant), I advise you to remain calm and just not resist - 'cause in case you haven't seen, there isn't any plant or element whatsoever for you to manipulate, so you're powerless." Mapi fiery lets out, as her dislike of Tierna was pretty obvious now.

But the younger girl did not seem to really have received the message, as she stares right into Mapi's eyes before spitting at her feet.

Before the blonde can do anything, Tierna says:

"Fuck you! Fuck you all, why are we even prisoners ? We're in fucking Heaven, I thought we were guests."

"Coño, you've got no idea about anything, uh?" Mapi angrily responds, smirking. She then kicks Tierna in the stomach, before adding: "You should've stayed in Sunnyvale, stupida."

But, as Mapi was about to kick Tierna even harder, Nichelle gets in the way and propels Mapi away from her, as the Spanish girl hits the wall on the opposite side of the room. Groaning in pain and irritation, the blonde gets up very quickly, as Pernille is lining up with Nichelle, the both of them staring at their fellow angel with confusion.

After a long and heavy silence, Nichelle confidentially says:

"She said she wanted them alive, and you know better than I do what happens when we disobey her order, right? (As Mapi nods her head reluctantly, Nichelle continues, addressing both her and Pernille:) Alright now, let's wake up the other one and bring them to The Almighty."

Before Tierna can say anything, she is grabbed by beyond strong arms (probably supernaturally strong, to be honest) before everything turns black.

All she knew was that she and Christen were in trouble more than before, but they won't get more into trouble than that.

Looking at the dense clouds above from her, Tierna just sets her jaw and prays for Sam or Abby to just appear and save her...

... but they didn't.

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