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"This is a terrible idea, Kelley."

Of course the brunette knew such a daddy's girl as Julie Johnston would not willingly let herself be drowned into such a dangerous and illicit things as a drug deal, but she certainly had a plan B - as always.

Crystal, on the other hand, rolls her eyes.

"This is how you 'easily convinced her'?" the girl asks, her arms crossed against her chest. As Kelley is making silent signs for her to stop talking, she adds: "You suck, Kels, you fucking suck."

"Listen" Kelley defends herself, slightly annoyed, "your lack of belief in me kind of hurts me, Crystal. Just so you know, my undeniable ability to convince people first occurred when I persuaded my cousin to-"

"Honestly, what is wrong with you two?" Julie asks in disbelief.

Crystal takes things over:

"Listen, royalty, my friend Kelley over here might terrible at convincing people, but luckily for her, I am very good at it" the girl proudly announces. Before Julie can say anything, she immediately goes on: "It's easy: you help us, and you get 20% of our benefices, which makes a ton of money per month if our business takes off. Furthermore, you need the cash for your old man, otherwise y'all will end up homeless."

Julie crosses her arms against her chest.

"And if I don't help you?"

"Also easy" Crystal says, "if you refuse, we will make your life a living hell and turn all of our friends into your enemies."

"Aouch" Kelley comments, amused, "Ice cold, Crys, ice cold."

But the blonde did not seem so amused: she knew that she wouldn't last long without circumstantial alliances in the West - because, as a former Eastsider, she was considered like one of them, and she was smart enough to know that this peaceful cohabitation thing wasn't going to last much longer. 

Therefore, she gives her hand for Crystal to shake, before saying:

"Alright, but I want full protection."

Kelley's eyes go wide.

"Deal" Crystal agrees.

Just like that, those three went into business... against Mapi León.




This morning the school was beyond silent - no fight, no insults, just a deeply rooted anger and sadness in front of the recent loss of Lindsey Horan, one of the most joyful Westsider all around. Her friends did not show up to class, especially her best friend since childhood, Emily Sonnett. Instead, they held a very nice and emotional ceremony at Lindsey's house with her parents and family, honouring her memory.

In the Eastside, however, things were not so neat - you see, the murders were not only touching Eastsiders now, so it became suddenly less important to people around here. But to Bob Mewis, the town's sheriff, it became a matter of priority, because a killer that targets both Westsiders and Eastsiders goes beyond traditional differences. 

Sam gets to the school early, as she does every morning - she wasn't a good sleeper, so instead of remaining in her bed thinking about life, she preferred to get it moving and have a good start for her day. When she enters the classroom, however, she realises she isn't the only person to do this: her friend Rose Lavelle also is there, as well as Caitlin Foord, Jane Campbell and  Abby Dahlkemper. The Eastsiders immediately look up, before their cold faces transform into warm grins - except for Abby, because she always has a bitch face.

Rose immediately sets the mood:

"Olá, amiga" she exclaims in an average Spanish, quite amused by her own performance. 

"Hi, Rose" Sam lets out, not impressed.

The others (still not including ice-cold bitch Abby) laugh, as Rose shakes her head, laughing at the same time. 

Before one of them can say anything, Caitlin asks:

"Have you guys seen what happened to that Lindsey girl?"

"Please, not that again" Jane lets out, rolling her eyes.

Sam throws her a deadly look. 

"What?" the blonde then asks, shrugging.

"You might hate the West, but please show some respect to the dead: this girl did not deserve what happened to her."

"My ass she didn't" Jane argues, not impressed by Sam's sudden burst of conscience. 

Knowing very well that this conversation wouldn't go further - everybody in this town was short-minded, either one side or the other - Sam just abdicates, shaking her head slowly. Rather than getting angry at Jane, she just lets them talk about something else - per say, Caitlin's most recent crush on some girl their age. In the meantime, Sam gets up and leaves the room, annoyed by her friends' behaviours. 

When she reaches the corridors, the lights suddenly go out.

Behind her, a quick noise can be heard, and when the lights come back again, Sam lets a surprised scream out of her throat: Abby is standing there, frowning. 

"What's wrong with you, Mewis?" the green-eyed harshly asks, raising an eyebrow.

"Nothing, you just scared me-"

Before one of them can say anything, the lights go off again, making both of them anxious. 

Suddenly, an impressive noise starts resonating in their ears - a very high pitch sound that seems to come from the walls, and from within their feet. Frightened, Sam and Abby look at each other, before the ground starts trembling. 

The sound turns into voices, that whisper Samantha... Saaaamantha.... Samanthaaaaa... until their abruptly stop, before the lights go on again, lightening up the room, as well as the two teenagers' beyond frightened faces. 

Sam immediately asks, her voice trembling:

"Did you hear-"

"Yeah" Abby confirms all at once, her whole body shaking.

They exchange a long look, before seeing their friends walk out of the room, visibly confused.

"Are you guys okay? We heard some screams" Caitlin asks, confused.

Sam and Abby exchange a look, before the first one asks:

"Did you feel the earthquake just now?"

"Uh?" Jane asks, confused, "what are you talking about - there was no earthquake."


"And did you hear some very high-pitched noise by any chance?" Abby investigates, coldly looking at the other girls.

This time, Caitlin and Jane are the one exchanging a confused and concerned look, before Sam interferes: 

"Anyway, we must've dreamed or something"

"Yeah, you guys are nuts" Caitlin gently mocks them, before the four girls head back to class.

Right before they enter the room, Sam and Abby exchange a long and meaningful look, and although they did not like each other very much, they just knew what they each meant: what happened was a coincidence and must be forgotten - but somehow neither of them thought that it would be the end of the story...

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