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Crystal wakes up nauseous this morning.

Not only did she break up last night with Julie, who she considers her friend normally, and who she was dating in this reality, but she also found herself in the middle of a fight between Christen and Jessie about the purpose of the angel being sent there. 

There were some bad news:

1) Still no sign of the others - Tierna and Sam are probably dead if they're in Hell, nobody had heard about Kelley's shenanigans, and Shelina seemed to be lost far, far away from the rest of them.

2) Some people are getting suspicious in town regarding Christen and her own behaviour, as well as the surprising arrival of a new student who seems way too young to be in college in the first place.

3) They had no idea of who else was on that reality - Kristie - aka the Angel of Death - hasn't been seen anywhere ; the other angels (good or bad) might as well be hidden somewhere ready to attack them ; and also outside threats they know nothing about...

This is just great, Crystal thinks to herself, rolling her eyes, then staring a the sky; She-She, if this is your way of making fun of me, you can stop now - not knowing if you're okay is enough torture as it is...

Sighing, the girl with magnificent braids walks out of her literature class (I don't even like literature that much..., she thinks to herself, referring to the major in mathematics she would've chosen if given the choice) only to come face to face with Magdalena Eriksson, the president of the debate club she was taking part of (yikes).

Trying to smile her way through the incomprehension of her existence, Crystal greets the blonde by saying:

"Hey, Ikea, 'sup?"

Magda seems amused.

"You know there's more to Sweden than Ikea and ABBA, right?" the blonde then asks a rhetorical question, as the American laughs. She seems hesitant when she adds: "Are you oaky? I've heard about you and Julie..."

"I'd rather not talk about it" Crystal immediately says - people expect me to be sad since I broke up with my long-time fake girlfriend, she thinks, trying to be strategic - nodding her head.

"Got it loud and clear" Magda immediately lets out, awkward.

Is something off with her or is she only just weird? Crystal asks herself, staring that the blue-eyed while she actively walks faster, maybe due to some kind of stress she was experiencing. Realising that a good friend would ask about their friend as well, Crystal just says:

"And how are you, by the way?"

Magda lets out an awkward laugh.

"Well, you know me: nothing much, just trying to survive the semester as always"

"Not even a lil' drama for your sista Cryssy?" Crystal insists, all smiles.

But when she sees the beyond serious face of Magda, she knows she had fucked up in some way, which is confirmed when the Swede says:

"Why would you say that? You know damn well I lost my boyfriend in a car crash a few years ago..."

Think. Fast.

"Sorry, I was only meaning to cheer you up, it was clumsy of me" Crystal immediately says.

But the harm was done, as Magda only says:

"I don't know what's gotten into you lately, but you're nothing alike the Crystal I knew - and I fucking hate it"

As the Swede walks away, Crystal grabs her phone and texts Christen: SOS.


But Christen was well occupied as it is: after her physics class, she managed to take a break from this oppressive life that doesn't feel like hers - she found a quiet place near some tree where the air was brushing her hair in a way that she'd feel some oxygen at least.

But it doesn't take long for someone to come and disturb her break: Leah Williamson sits down next to Christen, visibly not as self-assured as her former version was. 

"What do you want?" Christen sighs, fed up of everything happening at that very moment.

Quite surprised by the American's coldness, that was highly uncalled for, Leah just nods.

"Listen, I don't know what's been going on with you lately... You are like a whole new person, and I am not sure the 'new you' really is as likeable as the former... But whatever you're going through, just know that I'll be there no matter what, as your friend first and foremost."

Frowning, Christen just smirks.

"You have no idea of who I am" the dark-haired only articulates, setting her jaw. 

"You're right: I have no idea of who you are" the British girl concedes, looking right in front of her, "but I care about you nonetheless - I'm used to you getting cold and distant as soon as I get too close, so I'm not gonna give up on you just 'cause you're a bitch."

This is at that exact moment that Christen saw Leah Williamson on another light than before: I get why the other me would fall for someone like her, she thinks to herself, staring at her as if she's never seen her before. The blonde's bright blue eyes were enormous and kind, and her face was perfectly shaped. Her features were fine, angelic even, and there was a light in her eyes that'd announce she'd walk through flames to protect the ones she cares about...

... And that somehow included Christen.

Sighing, the dark-haired, thinking that she really did nothing to deserve such consideration, felt like a fraud. 

"Can I tell you a secret?" Christen then asks hesitantly, not really thinking about the consequences.

Leah nods.


"You'll think I'm crazy, but I am not the person you think you are - I don't even know who that person is, because I don't remember anything about that person's life up to about one week ago..."

Without really knowing why she would tell Leah the (partial) truth, Christen just smirks - well, what the Hell, God is a mother fucker anyway - and anxiously waits for Leah's reaction.

The blonde frowns.

"Do you mean... like, amnesia?"

"Yes" Christen says, honest, but then she has to make up something: "my doctor said it can happen when one took a blow in the head, which happened in soccer..."

"Oh my God" Leah comments, her eyes going wide, "this actually makes sense as of why you've been acting weirder than usual... What do you need?"

Christen takes the opportunity she gets, when she answers:

"Help me remember."

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