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Abby enters the field, nervously looking around.

Tierna was sitting on her own in the stands, visibly lost in her thoughts. The blonde therefore made her way toward her carefully, praying that the brunette wouldn't just tell her to go away or something. When Tierna finally realises Abby's presence, the latter starts shaking, nervously playing with her fingers, looking anywhere but at Tierna. The brunette, however, did not seem that nervous: she had a lost light in her eyes while looking at the other girl, but also a latent feeling of fear when realising Abby could still control shadows somehow. 

Setting her jaw, the blonde softly asks:

"Is this seat taken?" 

Looking around, Tierna then says, beaten:

"No, it's yours now."

Sitting down next to the girl, Abby takes some deep breaths, completely panicked.  

"I-I've been meaning to talk to you since... well, y'know, the satanic episode" the blonde starts slowly, whispering the last two words. As Tierna tenses up, she goes on: "I mean, I feel you getting more and more distant, and ever since you walked in on Sammy and I, I've been feeling terrible, and-"

"Listen, Abby, you don't have to feel bad" Tierna interrupts her, frowning. 

"Yeah, but-"

"I knew Sam was in love with you either way" the brunette continues, sighing. After a while, she just looks down at her fingers that were entangled together, before continuing: "It's not what I am upset about... only, I mean. It's just... with what Christen told us at the reunion yesterday, you might as well be Satan's heir, and... I may not be a religious person, but this scares the shit outta me."

Abby has a sarcastic laugh, before tears start growing in her eyes. As Tierna finally looks at her, in shock to see so many emotions on the blonde's face all at once - she who usually isn't showing anything she's feeling - Abby just shakes her head angrily.

After a while, the blonde just states:

"Well, imagine being me right now, how frightening it is to have powers beyond your understanding, while everyone you are about are just so scared of you. It is fucking terrifying, and although we haven't known each other for that long, I just... figured you'd be there for me, instead of just running away from me."

"I'm not running Abby, I-"

"You what, uh?" Abby angrily interrupts her, beyond frightened at the moment. As Tierna's eyes lower, the blonde continues on the same tone, raising her voice a little: "You've been avoiding me for weeks, and now you're telling me-"

As she abruptly stops talking, the earth starts shaking, and Abby's eyes turn red. Totally frightened, Tierna raises her hands in front of her, trying to make signs to the other girl that she is no threat.

Realising what was going on - as for the last few weeks, every emotional distortion would trigger Abby's powers, and she had no control over them - Abby just gets up and walks a little further away from Tierna, calming herself down.

Then, she turns around and looks straight into Tierna's eyes with her normal ones again, before hissing:

"I feel like a monster when you're looking at me like that."

Tierna suddenly gets on her feet, visibly hesitating: her eyes were set on Abby's, as her body was trembling. Then, she makes the decision that might change many things - even some that she had no idea of. 

She runs toward Abby and wildly lock their lips together, grabbing the blonde's jaw in between her hands at the same time. While the blonde doesn't kiss back immediately, Tierna's mind is taken away by strong feelings she had never felt in her life before, that were so powerful that she'd forget about everything else in the world, and only focus on Abby: she moves her lips on Abby's, asking for permission, which she finally is granted when Abby moans softly in shock, before wrapping her arms around Tierna's body. Their lips start dancing together for thirty seconds or so, before Abby breaks contact.

There is real terror in her eyes when she whispers:

"I can't... I'm sorry..."

With that said, she literally runs away from one of the two girls she is deeply in love with, leaving Tierna speechless.


The police station was very busy today, as Christen was sitting in an interrogation room, Crystal and Mapi waiting for her right outside. As Christen's parents and siblings were all working late today, none of them could be there for her. A few hours into waiting in that creepy room, Kelley, Tobin and Becky - aka the three people who have known Christen the longest - arrived as well, already yelling at cops.

After a long wait, Bob Mewis enters the room, a pile of paperwork in his hands, and his face closed. 

"Good afternoon, Miss Press" he greets her without conviction, sitting down on the hair in front of her. He looks down at the handcuffed Christen had at her wrists - of course a Black Latina Westsider witnessing the murder of her grandmother would only be a suspect to a White, ignorant policeman - before stating: "If you want us to remove those, you'll have to be bluntly honest with me, girl."

Christen rolls her eyes.

"What's the point, uh?" she boldly asks, fed up with all this. As she man sitting in front of her frowns, she continues: "In your head I am already guilty because of the way I look, and where I come from. So, why do you pretend like you're giving a damn about me?"

Sheriff Mewis smirks, visibly amused. 

"Well, it is procedure to interview the primary witness to a murder, Miss Press - especially when you have been staying in a psychiatric hospital for a week and somehow disappeared for days when you got released..."

"This is not what happened" Christen coldly says, annoyed. 

"Well, if you say so" the man lets out, really not convinced, "but since your family has quite an history with mental illness, I cannot rule out a maniac episode or-"

"Wait a minute" Christen interrupts him, beyond angry this time, "are you really insinuating that I've killed my grandmother and all those other victims 'cause my family has mental illness problems? Are you insane?"

Bob Mewis smirks. 

"Like I said, I cannot rule out the possibility of-"

At that exact moment, the door opens, and one of the sheriff's coworker just enters the room, before saying:

"Sir, another body was found this morning... This young woman's innocent, there is no way she could've committed the murder while being here-"

"Alright, thank you" Bob Mewis lets out, before sighing loudly. As Christen waits for him to unlock her handcuffs, liberating her at last, he then gets up and, right before walking out of the room, she adds: "This ain't over, Press: I'll find out what you are hiding."

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