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Abby wakes up with her breath taken away from her, gasping for air, as her whole world seemed to be turned upside down - and it gets worse when she sees a shadow in the darkness of her room, right in front of her. 

When she turns the light on, convinced that it was just the result of her imagination, Abby jumps out of her bed when she realises the shadow in the night was a real person, none other than her long lost sister, Kelley O'Hara. 

Her face getting dark, Abby just stares at the brunette in silence, before the latter states, an arrogant smirk on her face.

"Hello there, sister" she lets out, confident. As Abby doesn't react at all, she crosses her arm against her chest and says, in a bad mood: "You look terrible."

This time, Abby choses to be the clever one:

"What are you doing here?" she coldly asks, trying her best not to show the utter anger and disgust she was feeling toward her 'sister'. 

Kelley smirks again, before rolling her eyes.

"And daddy said you were the perceptive one of his daughters" she openly mocks the younger girl, shaking her head dramatically. As Abby just frowns, she adds: "He's actually the reason why I'm here: see, I've been living my whole life with him watching my every move, forcing me to get better and better so that I'd one day direct his army in his place. But I want more, and this ungrateful son of a bitch doesn't want to give up his throne - I mean, not only did he go soft long ago, but nobody else has the guts to dethrone him."

"Knowing the fact that I have no interest in either meeting him, nor dethroning him at all, why would you come to me and say that - especially since we strictly don't know each other and, I mean, you killed everyone I know?" Abby answers, sassy as she gets.

Kelley has a dark laugh.

"Poor thing, you've got absolutely no idea, do you?" 

"No idea about what, exactly?"

"That you are Satan's favourite child, so you're untouchable... for now?" 

Abby frowns again.

"What do you mean?"

"Ever since his prodigal daughter was born from his union with one of the half-living being of the In-Between, Father has been protecting you from everyone else: I can't even touch one lock of your hair." the brunette reveals, amused.

"What's the In-Between?" Abby asks, frowning.

"Oh, Abs, you really have no clue, do you?" Kelley mocks her again, slightly amused yet annoyed with the situation. As the little sister is throwing daggers at her with her sole eyes, she adds: "The curse isn't really a curse: long ago, the witch was able to create another dimension that would trap the souls in between definite death and ghost form: this is where all your deceased friends went, 'cause there is no possible escape from them."

Abby's eyes go wide.

"You mean Sammy- I-I mean, Christen, Sam and Shelina are in that place?" she asks, content.

"Yes, one of your sex victim and your friends probably are there - I mean, of course the witch knows it's the only place where I cannot find her..." Kelley lets out, smirking. As Abby frowns even deeper, she sighs and adds: "In case you haven't figured it out yet, Shelina is the witch - she simply doesn't remember anything 'cause Satan erased her memory so that she wouldn't be found by his least favourite child - me."

Setting her jaw, Abby shakes her head.

"This doesn't make sense: why would you want to kill our father?"

Kelley erupts in a sassy yet terrifying laughter that ends up in a cold giggle - which makes Abby's entire spine shiver in terror. The brunette's eyes go wide, as she shakes her head in disgust.

"Nobody said anything about killing - I mean, Satan's immortal. But I'm gonna slowly push him away from the throne with your help - otherwise your precious lovers and everybody left that you know will perish, and your fake daddy will also die in terrible pain. The choice's yours, Abigail: ally with your sister, your blood, your family, or see the one you love die because of you."

Abby sighs: although she just stands there, the choice is already made inside her mind...


Crystal and Tierna just stare at each other, feeling completely beaten.

In Tierna and Tobin's house - while their father was out of town for work - were chatting three angels - like, literal angels. While Danielle was pretty funny and down to Earth, and that Mapi was being her usual, sassy self, the third one, Ingrid, was just staying out of every possible conversation or encounter. At the moment, she was on the balcony, looking at the stars, while the rest of the girls were just drinking beer in the living room.

Confused, Tierna approaches Danielle and asks:

"What's wrong with bitch-face angel right there?"

Following Tierna's eyes, Dani realises who she was referring to. Smirking, she just shrugs and admits:

"She'd kill me to even mention that, but listen up: us angels have the privilege to see everything from Heaven to Earth - and even Hell sometimes - and that includes observing humans live their pointless lives, no offence. Ingrid would never admit it, but she fell in love with one of the human living in Sunnyvale. Problem is: angels aren't allowed to fall in love with humans, and are strictly forbidden to even encounter them."

"Ugh, that sounds awful..." Tierna comments, confused.

"Yup" the other girl lets out, rolling her eyes, "and in Ingrid's case, or in any angel's case, it's even worse 'cause angels only fall in love with one person in their whole lifetime - they have a soulmate, if you will."

Tierna nods, sighing.

"That's why she's so reluctant in being here in Sunnyvale" the brunette concludes, nodding her head slowly. As Dani nods as well, she adds: "She can't refuse her celestial duties, I presume?"

"Exactly: especially when the person she fell for actually is in deep trouble"

This time, Tierna doesn't even have the time to ask another question that Mapi and Tobin come into the room again from the kitchen, their eyes wide with terror. 

Tobin had her phone in hand, as she states:

"Kristie Mewis has woken up..."

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