2. The Masked Man

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Douxie POV:

I had to admit, Laylah had grown up a lot. But she hadn't changed much personality-wise, thankfully.

I gently place my hand on the door and it unlocked.

"Come on, then..." I say escorting them inside the shop

"The answers to all your questions are within!"


Laylah POV:

I walked inside the bookstore with Steve, Toby, and Aarrgh. Above us, there were all sorts of things floating around. Everyone went in different directions to go and explore. I end up at one of the shelves in the bookstore that was labeled: "Magic". I grabbed one of the books and opened it curiously flipping through the pages.

"Ah! There's flying books" Toby grinned as different items were flowing around in a pattern through the air.

I lean back against the wall that was beside the bookshelf and began reading the first few pages of a random book I picked up off the shelf. Douxie enters the library and closes the door behind him. Toby grabbed a small globe that fluttered towards him. Inside, there was a tiny ship with a crystal in the back.

"Put that down!" A voice cooed from above. Everyone's eyes started to look above and look for the source of the voice.

"Thank Ether yours here! We haven't a moment to waste!!"

Merlin walked out of the shadows and revealed himself.

I don't look up from the book as it so happened that the random book I picked up was the spell book that could help me find out how to upgrade my magic bracelet. I've been looking for this book for ages!

I was blocking most of the conversations around me out so I could keep reading. I finished the first couple of pages and I stopped blocking the conversation in front of me. I heard Douxie chatting to Merlin.

"I tried, I couldn't find any changelings or the aliens, I'm pretty sure they left the planet..."

I pulled the book down from my face and peered across the room. Mind you I was kind of in the shadows myself but I wasn't completely. So I guess they couldn't see me.

Toby ran over to Merlin with a bright grin on his face.

"Merlin it's me! Toby Domzalski! You know war hammer, Guardian of Arcadia!"

"No one could forget you chatty" Merlin groaned as he turned his back towards him and started to walk around the room.

Steve ran up next to Toby, as he decided he needed an introduction of his own.

"And Steve Palchuk, creepszlayers!" Steve says in slow motion

"I have no idea who you are..." Merlin started

"But we are desperate, thankfully we have the brute"

Merlin pointed towards Aargh. Aargh in my opinion wasn't someone I would describe as a brute. Even though he looked like he could kill you, which he can but he has a soft spot for people he cares about.

But I didn't comment.

"But I swear there's one more..."

I rolled my eyes. "You've got to be kidding" I murmur.

"Uh Douxie, how many guardians of Arcadia were there?"

"Uh there were 4 of them," Douxie says as Merlin started to count around

We will be together forever // Douxie Casperan x OC [1✓}Where stories live. Discover now