34. Erosion

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Douxie POV:

There was consent yelling and swords classing. Many soldiers died every second. One of Gunmar's soldies charge towards me. I was quick to attack by freezing the troll in place.


He blows fire all over him and he crumbles to pieces

"Ha,ha! Always hated those twits" I laugh

Laylah chuckles. "How many times have you said that tonight?"

"Um, I don't know, you better keep count" I say high fiving her.

"Douxie!" She yells as she quickly pushes me to the ground. I look up to see her stab one of the beasts right into the chest. He slowly turns to stone and she releases.

"Sorry" I say sheepishly as she grabs my hand to help me up.

"That's fine" She says quickly kissing my cheek. I jump a little and I blush

"Just make sure you keep your guard up, I don't need my boyfriend to get slayed today"

She actually called me her boyfriend! I was getting a little excited.

Arthur suddenly makes me loose my train of thought when I hear him yell.

"Fight on! The day isn't over yet!"

That's when a crack in the sky breaks and a shadow portal. I quickly take Laylah's hand and pull her behind me.

"Hey!" She wines

"Just keep behind me" I whisper

"Look about!" One of the soldier's yell

Morgana slowly pulls down and smiles evilly

"Night has already fallen" She chuckles


There was a blast of yellow magic and everyone around her gets knocked to the ground. I make sure Laylah is near me so I could protect her.

"Evil Witch!" Galahad yells

"Morgana...." Laylah whispers

"Morgana's returned! She's enemy number one!" I yell looking at Jim and Claire

"Go! We'll hold the bridge!"

"Hisirdoux, Laylah with me!" Merlin yells from affair

I make sure I grip Laylah's hand tightly.

We run through the forest as we hear Morgana's cackles. Merlin, Laylah and I finally slow down and we gather round in a circle. I slowly let go of Laylah's hand as we were all close by her.

"I feel dark magic" I sigh

"I means she's close" Merlin replies

There was another cackle from Morgana. It was loud and evil.

"She's closer then we think" Laylah utters as Morgana finally appears in front of us

"An old man and a foolish boy, lost as always"

"Oh, and might I add, my own little soon to be second champion, Laylah" She says putting her hand out

"Stay away from her" I say pushing her behind me

She gives another cackle or horror

"Do you dare run...or face my vengeance?!"

"Um, is there a third option?" Archie askes

We will be together forever // Douxie Casperan x OC [1✓}Where stories live. Discover now