5. The Void

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Douxie POV:

"The Green knight who attacked us was clearly the born of dark magics, but I have no clear memory of him or any connection he might have to Morgana. Despite the fact that his precedence is a foreshadowing of things to come"

The sound of a loud bell pricked my ears at that moment. If there is danger on the horizon, Galahad will sound the alarm. I look around for Laylah. But she wasn't present.

As a large blast flashes, the bell gradually tunes out.

When the castle begins to shake, we all fall to the ground.

"What's going on?" Claire yells as she gets to her feet.

"Have you ever been attacked before? To the battlements!" Merlin yells as we all flee the room.

Laylah is standing near the centre of the castle platform.

"Laylah!" I yell, and she turns to face me.

Merlin and I rush up to her as a large red skull appears in front of us.

"Oh no, I think we have a problem," Arch says, flying behind us.

"Oh, Fuzz Buckets!"

"No, the arcane order found us," Merlin says, his voice a little worried. "Everyone hurry to safety!"

"Fulgur, praeca!"

A blast reaches the ship's entrance but has little effect. Our ship is connected by a long ice path. The ship causes all of us to fall to the ground. Merlin loses his footing and his grip on his staff.

"My staff!"

Archie rushes to try and grab it.

"I got it!"

Then he accidentally drops the staff.

"I lost it"

"Man, the cannons, we must flee!"

I run towards the steer of the castle and start trying to turn it.

"They're boarding us! We must break free, steer on my command!"

"I'm on it!" I shout

"Miller! With me!" Merlin shouts as Laylah follows Merlin


Laylah POV:

As I see Blinky being thrown into the air, I dash behind Merlin.

"HAVE YOU FOUND THE STAFF?" Looking at Archie, he yells.

"I'm working on it."

"Blinky!" I yell, casting my spell directly at Blinky.

He screams, "AHHHHH!"

I direct all of my attention to Blinky. It was difficult to stay upright because the ground was shaking and moving so much.

I lock my gaze on Blinky as I blast him back to where Aargh is. I let go, knowing he's safe. As Blinky and Aargh smile at him, I sigh and smile back.

Then a blast of cold air hit my left shoulders. My shoulder was stinging from the cold. As I hit the ground, I scream in agony. My head thudded against the ground with a loud thud. In pain, I clenched my shoulder. I didn't see that coming. I was distracted, which made me an easy target.  

Merlin was a few meters from me still helplessly trying to stop the arcane order.

"Laylah!" He shouts

We will be together forever // Douxie Casperan x OC [1✓}Where stories live. Discover now