23. Lady of the lake P.4

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Douxie POV:

"Now onto your rewards, such puny creatures make tasty meals"

I got grabbed by one of the tentacles but I cut it off with the shattered sword and fell back onto the raft.

Archie flies up and blasts some fire at the lady but it wasn't helping much.

"I hate to say it but perhaps we should've stayed in the ship"

The lady runs forward as Archie blasts fire so we go backwards.

"We need to subdue her so she'll fix Excalibur!"

"We need to get Steve out of this seaside freak show!"

"And find Laylah" Archie adds

Suddenly the lady started to rise up showing her very true form.

"Oh, fuzz buckets"

One of the tentacles grabs a rock from the roof and goes to throw it at us.

"You've been a very bad lake lady!"

But when I was about to push back the rock from hitting us. Someone else was there in the nick of time.

"Laylah!" The three of us yells as she jumps out of a shadow portal and quickly uses a spell to push the rock back before I could.


Laylah POV:

I quickly push the rock back and it hits the monster's stomach as 2 people yell as the fall out of her mouth.

It was Merlin and Steve

I suddenly feel a wave of exhaustion heap over me and I get to my knees and breath heavily.

"Laylah! Are you alright!" Archie said coming to my side.

"Yeah, I'll be okay I just forgot how much shadow magic drains you"

I give Claire a small look and smile.

"Woah, hey I-I did it! I'm a hero" Steve says fainting on the grass.

"My revenge tasted so sweet" The lady sighs

"Wait revenge, what revenge?" Douxie asks

"You attacked us Lady!" Claire yells pointing a finger at her

"Long ago, I gave him the blade, but he imprisoned me here in this cave with no hope"

"Wait Merlin trapped you here?!" Douxie and I say at the same time

"Now my prison will be your tomb!!"

"Take her down man or we're all goanna be dead!" Steve yells from the other side

"But who will repair Excalibur?" Archie asks


"Well, she's not going too!"

"What do we do Douxie?" Claire asks

Douxie and I give quick glances. We both know exactly what each other is thinking.

Douxie throws the sword in the air and quickly tap a spell. I do the same

We both grab hands on the sword

"Tenebris Excilium!"

We both yell as we throw the sword and it breaks open the cave from the other side.

"Wait, you let that tentacle lady bounce?"

"and destroy Excalibur!"

The lady comes closer to Douxie and I and looks us closely in her eye.

"What are you waiting for just go..." Douxie sighs.

"We might not know how to fix this, but I do know you shouldn't be stuck in here" I sigh

"You are different, you are kind"

The sword slowly lifts from the sea's waters. "This gift must be repaid"

"The sword was meant for those worthy"

"Do good with it"

"We shall return it to it's rightful place" Douxie and I say holding the sword together.

"Thank you, scary monster lake lady"

"Goodbye! Sorry I almost slayed you, Monster lady!" Steve yells out

A sudden coughing came from affair.

"Hisirdoux, what have you done?!" Merlin yells


"Is that Excalibur?"


"I've resecured Camelot's stability, just as you'd planned" Douxie said with pride.

"Ah, we must return to Camelot where we will discuss your blunders later"

"Nice work teach"

"And I got a monster troph woo!!" Steve yells.

Douxie turns to me and smiles.

He slowly puts his hands on my shoulders.

"I'm so glad your safe" He said hugging me tightly. I wrap my arms around him and hug him back.

"Me too"


𝐏𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞 𝐝𝐫𝐨𝐩 𝐚 𝐯𝐨𝐭𝐞,


𝐂𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐞 😊

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