42. The Girl On The Roof Top

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Past Douxie POV:


I place the three wooden cups on a bucket ready to start the show. I was a little nervous cause if I got court I would be executed. But life is all about taking risks! Right?

"Now then, now then! Gather around, milords and ladies!"

"Test your luck with the Lad o' Fortune!"

I say as many town folks gather around my little display.

"Now, remember, keep your eye on the prize! Find the ball to win it all! Find the ball and win it—"

A man yelled out from not far.


I chuckle nervously

"Oh, hello"

It was Galahad. "I will give it a go!"

I nod and smile. I wasn't expecting Galahad to give my little trick a go.

I place the black rubber ball under one of the cups and started to spin them around.

"Keep your eye on the cup" I say pointing to them.

I finish mixing them around and take a step back to let Galahad choose.

"Easy pickin's, eh?" He chuckles

He thought this was easy. He picked up the middle cup but nothing had been revealed. He went to grab the left one but I had to quickly stop him.

"Please, your knightliness, only one pick per play!"

That's when the cup slightly moves.

My head becomes sweaty. Was I about to get caught?

"Eh! Hmm!"

Galahad picks up the cup and peers inside it. The ball blinks and flies out of the cup.

"Oh,no!" Archie sighs as he quickly runs next to me.

We had been court.

"Magic!" Galahad questions but after that came anger.

Without think I blast a dust spell in front of me. "Gassus flotulous! "

Blue smoke flies all over the place.

"Argh! Get him!" One of the knight's yell.

I look around a corner to see if the coast was clear. It seemed to be so I started to tip toe out of there but I was out of luck.

Arthur's knights drew their swords and pointed them all at me.

"You may not know, but by order of the king, use of magic has been outlawed—under penalty of instant death" Galahad explains as the step closer to me.

"Oh....fuzzbuckets" I cuss

But when I do the knights freeze suddenly. Purple and Orange magic flowed around them.

"Douxie! What did you do?" Archie asks

They fact was, I didn't do that

"That wasn't me!"

"Eh..." a man says coming out of the shadows. It was Merlin! "

"Merlin Ambrosius! "

I bow down before him

"Thank you! I owe you my life!"

"And what sort of life would that be?" He clarifies

"Have you ever asked yourself that? Your ruse with the smoke spell was rather clever"

A smile was plastid across my face.


"No" He says monotony

"But it was real magic" He adds

"And also, you shouldn't be owing me your life, it should be my partner" He says pointing to the roof of a building.

There was a girl on top it. She was wearing short black dress. Her hair out long and black flying through the wind.

She waves.

"But I thought you didn't have anyone by side you I thought you worked alone" Archie asks

"Well that's news to you isn't it"

"That's my partner up there, her name is Laylah Miller, she must be at least your age if I'm correct"

He instructs her to hop down. She quickly flies down like ninja.

"Hi!" She says with a smile

I had to admit she was really cute. Merlin was right, she did look my age except she was a little younger.

"I'm Laylah!" She smiles again holding out her hand to shake. I take her hand and shake it. It was awkward. Well for me at least. I have never shook a girls hand before.

"Hisirdoux but you could call me Douxie!" I said still shaking her hand.

We both look down at our hands and finally decide to break off.

"Come. You could use a hot meal, and I could use a new apprentice" Merlin announces

"What? Me?" I ask I wasn't expecting Merlin to choose me.

Laylah turns and unfreezes the soldiers. She then runs up back to Merlin.

"Look at us, Arch, teaming up with the magnanimous Merlin! I knew this plan wasn't a mistake" I beam happily

"A wizard does not make mistakes, he makes unexpected possibilities"

Laylah smiles and jumps towards me

"Welcome to the club Douxie!"


Present Laylah's POV:

I couldn't believe he was gone. My father, my partner my master. I never even got to say sorry for being mad at him all this time.

All he was doing was protecting me all he was doing was being my friend. He saved my life and my kind.

How could I have been so selfish?! How could I ever have gotten mad at him in the first place?!

I regretted it deeply.

And Morgana didn't even care, she saw her master getting killed but stood there and did nothing.

I wanted to save Merlin. I wanted to give my life for him.

These things were all of my thoughts.

But I couldn't save him.


𝐇𝐞𝐲 𝐆𝐮𝐲𝐬 😊

𝐈 𝐝𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐲𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐨 𝐬𝐚𝐲 𝐥𝐨𝐥 𝐈'𝐯𝐞 𝐫𝐮𝐧 𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬.




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