39. Mind your mouth

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Douxie POV:

We enter Zoe's business. I hadn't seen her for a while. I don't think Laylah has either.

"Zoe! We need a place to lay low" I say cheerfully

"Hisirdoux Casperan! You have a lot do nerve" She says crossing her arms

"Yes, like cutting in line" Krel argues

"We were supposed to hunt niffins and get burgers, remember?"

"And you are supposed to help me with my problem, remember?" Krel once again interrupts

Laylah comes beside me and Zoe's face lights up.

"Laylah! Oh my god it's been forever!"

She runs up to her and gives her a tight hug. Laylah happily hugged her back.

Laylah and Zoe met a while back and have been friends ever since

"You missed our plans aswell! We were supposed to dye your hair!"

Laylah chuckles a bit. "Sorry.... we will get to it someday"

I blink

"Wait, you wanted to dye your hair?"

She nods. "Yeah, well just some red highlights nothing much"

I nod with a smile. Red highlights would look good on her.

But now it was time for the real deal.

"Toby! What are you doing here?" Krel gasps as Toby runs towards him. He smashed his hands onto the table.

"Evil wizards shot down our time- traveling castle and stole monster Jimbo!"

He takes a deep breath after he said that sentence.

"Ugh. Come on, let's head to the back" Zoe sighs walking over to a metal door.

"Woah magic door!" Steve says looking inside

"What are we doing here?"

"We're not safe in this toy store"

Merlin rolls his eyes at saying this

"Yeesh! You brought your boss here?" Zoe says hitting Laylah and I

She pokes her head inside the room

"We're closed to privileged Arthurian toolbags"

" [chuckles] no" Merlin's voice echoes

"Come on, Krel. We're on a mission" Toby says all hero like

"Wait! Seems I missed a lot"

"Welcome to the real Hex tech. Back here we charm the mortal's electronics into shape and use the cash to fund our own mystical pursuits" Zoe introduces

"Hex Tech is run entirely by underground hedge wizards" Archie and Laylah say at the same time. They both jump a little at this but both give a small chuckle.

"Dude, this place is sick!"

"Was that an antigravity ray?" Krel questions putting his face to a window.

Steve was right. This place is really cool. I'm surprised Laylah wouldn't be interested in this type of stuff. But then again, she is full of surprises.

"You guys should be safe here. I have to go back" She sighs looking to the ground.

"Do not break anything!" She yells as the door behind us closes.

We will be together forever // Douxie Casperan x OC [1✓}Where stories live. Discover now