3. Day Dreaming

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Douxie POV:

We were flying at high speeds, and I was leaning against the ship's side. The moon is as bright as ever in the sky.

"I can't get this off," Laylah says as she tries to remove a long vine from her right arm. It was a jumbled mess.

"Please allow me to assist you."

I start to carefully untangle the wine around her arm. It quickly releases, and I throw it over the edge.

"Thank you," she says as she rubs her arm.

"I'm just glad you're safe," I say as I approach her. Grabbing her hand and holding it tightly, I gently kissed her soft warm cheeks.

As I take a step back, I smile. Her cheeks flush with embarrassment.

The ship begins to accelerate.

"Wow, Sauce!!!" As we all laugh, Toby yells.

"Wooo!! This is fantastic!" Steve yells and nearly falls off the ship. I chuckle as he screams in terror.

"What the hell is that?" Steve wonders, pointing to a flying castle in the sky.

"Welcome to Camerlot, young squires," Merlin says as he started to slow the ship down.

I cast a sad glance over to Laylah. I approached her.

"Hey, you okay?"

"Oh, yeah, it's just that I haven't gotten to see you Merlin or you since..."

"900 years ago....." We're both saying it at the same time. We smile and yell quickly.

"JINX!!" We both burst out laughing.

Suddenly, the ship accelerates towards the castle.

"How do the skies look, Sir Galahad?" Merlin inquires

"Please be quiet, my old friend."

Lay Lay moves closer to me and looks over the edge at Galahad.

"Laylah! It's great to see you back!" He gives her a small solute with a smile.

She returns the solute with a smile. "It's good to be back."

She comes over and looks me in the eyes. I crack a small smile at her. I was overjoyed to see her again. She was stunning. Her long black hair appeared to be as soft as silk. Her blue eyes were as stunning as they could be. I swear I would risk my life to protect her.

The ship began to sag downward. Lay and I shifted to the side a little.

"Don't you think you're coming in a little hot?" Arch screams

"RUBBISH!" Merlin yells

"I see nothing has changed since my absence," Laylah shouts over the wind

"Nothing has changed," I say.

If you ask me, we landed fairly quickly. I assist Laylah in getting off the ship, and the others begin walking around.

"It's been 900 years since Laylah and I were last here," I say, looking around and taking in the surroundings.

"Not a thing has changed."

"Except for the flying," Laylah laughs. Her voice was gentle and soothing. My heart was racing just from the sight of her.

Gosh, I had to admit I did have a massive crush on her.

Steve started to laugh. "900 years? Yea, right" *********

We will be together forever // Douxie Casperan x OC [1✓}Where stories live. Discover now