31. Jealously

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Douxie POV:

I stand next to Merlin holding the Amulet high in the air. Laylah next to me. I was so happy. I never thought Laylah would accept me asking her to be my girlfriend.

"Today, the amulet will choose one of you to defend your people, to hunt these Trolls who have betrayed your kind. You will no longer fear the daylight. You will wield it as the Trollhunter" Merlin says as he looked at each and every troll.

One of the trolls from above scoffs

"Let's see which of you brown-snouters gets picked"

Draal comes up and bows slightly in front of us

"It would be my honour"

Then another troll came up

"I'm ready"

I smile.

"For the Glory of Merlin... awake" I sigh as the amulet rises and starts to run around the room.

I turn over to Laylah. "To be honest, I wouldn't be surprised if you got picked as the troll hunter Lay, the role would suit you well"

She chuckles. "Thanks, Doux. But the amulet only picks trolls, and for one I am not made of solid rock"

We both chuckle. "No offence to the trolls, of course"

The amulet soon flowed around one of the trolls. According to Jim her name was Callister. They met in the dungeons back in Camelot.

"Whoa, whoa" She said as the amulet gets placed into her hands. Merlin's voice beamed from the gem.

"Rise, Trollhunter and become"

"Uh, I think your amulet has the wrong Troll" She says nervously

Merlin, Laylah and I walk up to her.

"No, the amulet does not make mistakes. For whatever reason, it has chosen you, speak the incantation. Find your purpose, the saviour of our worlds"

"Me? [Scoffs] I've never been chosen for anything"

She looks down at the Amulet. Her eyes sparkle in glory.

"For the Glory of—"

But before she could finish. Draal rudely interrupted


"It chose Callista the Calamity, she's basically a fleshbag"

Another troll came up.

"This is the humans' big plan? The only place that outsider will lead us is death!"

Laylah scoffs and crosses are arms.

"Hey! Why don't you shut up? The amulet didn't choose you it choice Callister! And for your information, no one asked for any of your opinions"

Draal huffed. He stomped over to Laylah. She didn't move. She was fearless.

"Then why don't you challenge me Miller?! You're a fleshbag yourself, I challenge you to a tournament, the winner with get to choose who the troll hunter should be" Draal hissed putting his head in her face.

"I would love to except this offer Draal, but I respectfully decline, the choice isn't up to us it's up to the Amulet" She says smiling and turning her head away.

"Ignore them. Accept this honor" Merlin said trying to persuade Callister.

She sighs "No, they're right, I'm not a hero. I'm not even good at being a Troll"

We will be together forever // Douxie Casperan x OC [1✓}Where stories live. Discover now