22. Lady of the lake P.3

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Douxie POV:


"Laylah!" The 4 of us called out her name so many times but there was no reply.

"Claire, do you know what's going on?" I ask putting both hands on her shoulders.

"Well—no I don't think so—" Then her eyes widen

"What? What is it?"

"Wait a minute.... It can't be –" She gasps looking through the spell book.

"Guys, where are you?!" I heard a voice echoed around us.

"Lay? Laylah is that you?!"

"Douxie? Claire?"

"Yes, were here!"

"Laylah what's going on?" Claire yells

"I can't get out!"

"But never mind that! You go save Merlin! Claire just channel your emotions around the target, that will transport you inside!"

"But what about you?!" I yell

"Don't worry Douxie, I'll meet you there"

I heard swords classing and magic blasts. Laylah was in trouble. She knew it but never asked for help.

"Lay! Somethings going on! We have to help you!"

"Douxie! Is Excalibur isn't fixed our future will end!"

She was right. If Excalibur wasn't fixed then our future would be non-existent

"Go! I'll meet you guys there!"

"Right! On it!" Claire yells putting her hands and quickly forming a shadow portal in front of us.

We all quickly ran in except for me.

"We will come back for you Lay"

"I'm counting on it" She replies before and communication was spilt.

"We made it!" Claire says with a smile

"Thanks to you"

I put a blue light from my bracelet to get a good look at the place.

"Ugh this like stinks like butt thunder!" Steve yells in disgust

Archie sniffs the water.

"Ugh, I'd say we've arrived"

"But where's Merlin?" Claire questions

"Gah!" We all yell as a small raft comes towards us. It had one half of Excalibur on it

"Uh, he can handle himself"

"Just stick to the plan and find the Lady"

I go to pull the sword out of the raft.

"And everything will be fine"

We all step on the raft as smoke appears on the surface of the water.

Lights turn on we all gasp with a slight scare. Steve jumped on and off the raft. But Archie pulled Steve back on.

"Come on, Steve. Get it together" He whispered to himself.

"Knights don't scare"

I make sure a have a good grip on the sword as I hold it firmly.

Then the raft stops as a small aqua coloured girl comes out of the water.

We will be together forever // Douxie Casperan x OC [1✓}Where stories live. Discover now