27. Jam Pastry

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Douxie POV:

"I swear Morgana's not dead!" Claire argues

'"Rubbish" Merlin replys

"It's true master, She saw her in the shadow realm, which is great for saving history" I say stepping closer to Merlin

"But she's coming to attack the kingdom any second!"

"Which is less great"

"We are all in grave danger" Archie explains flying over to Merlin

"And what were you doing in the shadow realm, hmmm? Its dark mirrors trick you, sizzle your mind Morgana is dead, and no magic can change that, I haven't time to change ghosts" Merlin replies walking over to the book shelf to grab a book.

"We have more immediate threats"

"Morgana is a threat!" Claire and Laylah yell

"Merlin, please listen, Claire and I know what we saw, she's not dead!" Laylah tries to explain but Merlin just seemed to get more and more angry.

"Laylah! I thought we agreed on no shadow magic! For you that place is dangerous!"

"How so?" She askes

"Matters that are not to be discussed now, listen well, girl, even if she had cheated death, we don't stand a chance if Gunmar attacks before I finish the amulet"

Laylah stayed quiet, then my stupid past self-came into the room

"I've got everything, master. Amulet designs alloys for the heart and my lute for some background music"

"You're working on getting us back home?" I ask walking over to Merlin

"Of course, the heart is the only way to get the lot of you out of my hair"

"Not that he has much left. Ahem" Archie whispers to Laylah and Claire

"I heard that" Merlin groans

"Master, Claire and Lay are onto something" I try to explain again

"I know you think we're a bunch of dumb teens, but we have to defend Camelot from disaster" Claire says looking at Laylah and I

"Silence!" Merlin yells as these masks appears on my face that stops us from speaking

"Wizards got your tongues?" Archie chuckles

"If you truly believe the kingdom's in danger, then go protect it... outside" Merlin argues using his magic to lift us into the air and out the door.

"I've an amulet to finish"


Laylah POV:

"No sign of Morgana anywhere" Claire and I

We both cough as the masks disappear from our face

"Nothing but unwashed plebeians stuffing their faces, eh, Steve?" Douxie chuckles as we realise that Steve had run off.

I got distracted as I walked over to the stands where Arthur was giving a speech.

"Laylah! Wait for us!" Claire yells running after me. Douxie follows

"The monsters at our door will fall. To ready our hearts for the battle ahead, I host a private tournament, the winner shall stand at my side and have the honour of striking down the monster, Bular the Butcher!" Arthur protested

We will be together forever // Douxie Casperan x OC [1✓}Where stories live. Discover now