8. Rumors

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(6 years before present time from when the landed in Camelot 900 years ago)

What Laylah is wearing:



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11-year-old, Laylah POV:

I walked through the corridors, looking for Morgana. Merlin requested that Douxie and I locate Morgana for him.

It appears to be important.

"Where could she possibly be?" I sigh as I look around.

"I'm not sure." Douxie responds

(QUICK NOTE: Douxie is two years older, making him 13 years old.)

"How come Merlin can't find her on his own?" Douxie chuckles.

"Hey, shut up! "You never know who's around," I say, putting my finger to his mouth.

Douxie chuckles.

"Okay, Okay"


Merlin POV:

Laylah was right, you know. You never know who is lurking in these corridors, watching, and listening.

Okay, I was spying on the two, but it was for a good reason.

Laylah has been acting, well, not herself for the past few days, if you know what I mean.

I know she talks to Morgana all the time, but she didn't know when I asked her what was up with her. I wasn't sure if she was playing a joke on me. I sent Hisirdoux with her to find Morgana and see if she'd confess.

"Hey umm, Laylah?" Douxie spoke up as Laylah kept walking around.

"Yes?" Laylah responded not turning to face him.

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