15. Partner

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(13 years before present time)

Morgana POV:

"Morgana after everything that has happened these past few painful days, you think it's alright to bring in a child? She is dangerous!"

"I forbid it!"

"And you would know? She was in the forest alone with parents" I plead keeping the child behind me.

"That doesn't make her harmless, she is a threat to Camelot!" My brother yells pointing is sword at the girl.

"Morgana step away..." Arthur said firmly

I turn around to look at Merlin. He sighed and eyed me to go to the side. I look at Arthur then the girl. She didn't look that scared. She looked up at me and smiled.

It seemed like she was okay.

I stepped away. The girl turned and faced Arthur hands behind her back.

"Who are you?"

"Laylah Miller" The girl said calmly

"Where are your parents"

"I don't know"

But that's when I could see what Arthur was doing. He didn't care for Laylah's well being he just wanted to through her out. He just wanted to use a down point so the girl would be vulnerable.

"Get her!" Arthur commands as knights come out of the shadows. The girl looks around and just stands still. She closed her eyes and seemed focused.

"What the—"

Suddenly a small blast of purple magic burst and the knights fell to the ground.

Merlin and I gasp.

"Hmm, how old are you girl?" Arthur asked from his thrown

"four" The girl replied opening her eyes.

"Still young, but is nothing but a weakling"

"Take her away"

"Arthur no!" I say ready to run towards the girl

"Wait wait, my lord!" Merlin quickly said walking towards the king.

"What is it Merlin?"

"My King, Miller had showed me her power, more so it is far beyond a magic status I've ever seen..."

"Get to the point..." Arthur groaned

"Well, perhaps Miller could be of use to us"

Arthur looks at Laylah and then Merlin. "Fine, but if this girl becomes a harm to our citizens of Camelot she will be thrown into the forbidden forest"

Merlin and I bow with thankfulness have we took Laylah back to the workshop.

"Why did you do that?" I ask

"Hmm what do you mean?"

"You saved her"

He nods

"Yes well, her magic is something I haven't seen in a girl that's her age before"

I nod looking at the girl reading some enchantment books.

"She's curious of the world around her" I say with a smile looking at her.


I walk over to the youngling and ask her what she is doing

"Uh, well I'm looking for a way to achieve my potential with my magic"

Our eyes widened. Never have I thought that a 4-year-old could know so much. She looked at Merlin's staff her eyes glowed as his staff reached her hands.

She smiled as Merlin quickly grabbed the staff of her.

"Aww come on Merlin let the child have a little fun" I giggle

"Morgana your acting like this little one is your child"

I roll my eyes and turn back to Laylah


Merlin POV:

It was late at night and I was flicking through endless enchantment books. Morgana came in and yawned.

"Morgana? What are you doing here so late at night?"

"Your acting like I'm 6 years old" Morgana scoffs

"Where's Miller?" I ask looking around to see if she was with her.

"She's asleep, that little one is sure active"

I nod flicking through my books.

"What exactly are you doing?"

I didn't want to tell Morgana the truth but I had to since I was the right thing to do.

"Looking at enchantment creatures"

"What?! You think Laylah is a creature?!"

"Well I'm 100% sure, but don't you think it's strange that a girl that age knows so much about the magic she possesses not to mention the level"

"Yes, well if she is we have to keep that from that my brother and if she isn't then we will have to teach her"

"Morgana!" I exclaim

"What? You care about her just as much as I do and don't deny it"

She was right.

"I was thinking..."

"If Laylah could be my partner"

"What do you mean?" Morgana askes curiously

"Well, I can sense something about Laylah that I feel like I've sensed before, But I can't figure out what"

"So, your using her as tool?!" Morgana burst out with anger

"No, I feel like she is strong enough to stand beside me"

Morgana smiles. I was sort of confused.

"I feel the same way"

"I feel like we have found someone who is stronger than we think...."


Hey Guys,



I can not tell you how blessed I am!!

Thank you everyone for your support!



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