7. Possession

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Douxie POV:

The sun beamed upon us as we walked through the gates of Camelot.

"Claire? What happened? What are we doing at a Renn Fire?" Jim asks

He puts his hand over the shade on his cage. His hand starts sizzle a turn to stone in the sunlight.



"We're prisoners in the, uh, dark ages I'd say mid-12th century with no way home, it's not an ideal situation" I say twiddling his thumbs 

"Ideal? Jim has a shard of evil magic in his chest!" Claire argues

"Actually, I'm still hurt, but it feels different somehow" 

"Modrax's miracles, he's right!" I exclaim

"When we jumped back in time, it must have frozen the corruption in place"

"Uh, it seems I've missed a lot, don't you work at the café?" 

"Part- Time, thanks for always tipping by the way" I reply with a smile of appreciation

"He's Merlin's Apprentice" Claire steps in and explains to him

"Laylah? What are you doing here?" Jim asks looking over at Lay

She was trying to break the chains off her hands with her sword. She looks up.

"Same reason you're here"

He nods

"Wait a minute! There is no way I just realized that you go to the exact same school as us" Jim realized as he kept looking at her. 

Laylah scoffs. 

"Wait, you're in year above" Claire says looking back at her

She nods, "Wow, I would have thought you would have noticed"

"Well, when we met you the school was being rebuilt" Claire answered

Jim nods

"Wait wait wait, so you worked with these guys" I say pointing to them

She nods

"I was with them ever since they awakened Merlin then they showed up to my door step, shocked really... but when we decided we needed 2 groups one to go and one to stay in Arcadia..."

She was looking down at her feet.


"She stayed with Toby, Steve and Aargh, Merlin said it would be best for her to stay" Claire said walking closer to Laylah and placing her hand on her shoulder.

"Hey, why are you making it all sad like?" Laylah chuckles

"Well, to be honest you did look sad to be separated from Merlin if you ask me"

Laylah isn't the best at masking her emotions. She usually doesn't because she likes to tell people exactly how she feels right away and doesn't hold back.

But she does try to hide it from time to time, but it doesn't always work.

"Well I mean I hadn't seen him in so long and well you know how it is..."

We slowly hit to a stop as we had arrived at the very front if Arthurs castle.



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