44. Tea and Biscuits P.1

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Laylah POV:

"I can't believe Merlin's gone" Toby sighs

"And Master Jim— trapped in the body of a loathsome beast by Arthur's corruption" Blinky adds

I was sitting on the floor staring at the envelope Merlin gave me.

What was it?

Why did he give it to me?

What information does it hold?

"I sense all living souls, small and great" Nari sighs. She was floating up with her magic and playing with a flower.

"And I felt Merlin's leave this plane"

"I did too" I say putting the envelope away and standing up

"But how?" Toby asks

"Laylah is half an angel so she can feel who is living and who is dead"

"Nari, Laylah, if you can feel all souls, what about Jim's?"

Nari and I both gasp. It was a great idea

"We can try"

Both of our magic runs through the floor. I tried to find any source of his soul. But couldn't find anything.

"My roots extend across the Earth, but I cannot find the soul of your friend"

Everyone turns to me. I needed to extend my magic deeper into the earth. But another magic was stopping me. There wasn't any point in trying.

My feet meet up with the ground once again.

"Anything?" Blinky asks.

I shake my head in disappointment.

"So, all that's left of Jimbo is that beast?"

"I won't accept that. If we can't find his soul in this world, I'll find it in another" Claire says

"I'm going into the Shadow Realm"

"Claire, you mustn't! With Morgana back, that dimension is no longer safe" Blinky says trying to stop her.

"I can't abandon him. Jim was turned by dark magic"

"So, I'll save him with my own"

"Good luck!" Steve says nervously giving the thumbs up.

She jumps into the shadow portal

"Bring Jimbo back"

"Please.... fair Claire"


Douxie POV:

"You've told me tales of Charlemagne, the Devourer, for centuries" I say as we walk through the dark forest.

"The truth may be stranger than fiction" Archie says flying around.

"Oh... I've heard terrible tales— whoever stole his treasure got baked alive into a blood pie"

"And burned, and singed" Archie adds

"Oh, here we are"

We looked into the rocky well. It was deep. How were we going to get down there?

"I really don't want to be a blood pie"

The thought made me shiver with fear.

I stand on the end of the rocky well. Looking down into the black pitch

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