1. Meeting again

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If the judges of the Watty Awards are reading this right now...first off thank you for taking your time to read this and second, I apologise for bad grammar and punctuation. 

I started writing this at the start of July in 2021 and finished it in November of 2021

I unfortunately haven't edited the full book yet so just a warning :) 

Tysm for being here and please enjoy


Douxie POV:

I finished sweeping the cafe as I looked at the time. It was around 9:00pm when I finished. One of the workers walked out.

"Thanks for helping cleaning up Doux!" He said walking away.

"Of course!" As the switch the LED Lights saying "Open" to "Closed"

I close the cafe door and lock it as Archie walkes around.

"Right time for real work" I say as Archie jumps onto a red old broken down car. 

"You ready?" I ask as he meows back

I place Archie on the ground as he walks around a long alleyway. 

He meows as he starts looking at stuff but keeps moving. I saw a small shadow appear behind him. I slowly get ready to fire my magic blasts right before the beast attacks. 

The beast jumps up and archie runs away. I step in front and trap the beast in a magic bubble.

"Haha! Tis my cleanest capture yet!" I laugh jumping up in excitment.

"Aren't you a nasty little beast" I say stepping closer but the beast pushes the bubble forward to try and get me. I step back to make sure it doesn't come out of the spell.

"I figured an umber imp was the reason for all those lost pets" 

The beast circled around in the bubble but Archie interruppted. 

"That is not an umber imp" He says slidding down a smal ramp and standing on 2 legs and putting a small pair of classes on. 

"Do you noticethe three mandibles?"

"How its phasing in and out of existence?"  I nod my head slowly

"Thats a shadow mephit, and you should know your monterology if you're going to use me as bait" 

He says as I kneel down to his eye level. 

"Either way, lets tale a sec to recognize that I've- weve done some very good magic tonight"

"Douxie old pal-"

"No no no, revel in the victory"

"Were unappreciated, Arch, silent sentinels, keeping the world sage from specters and demon are-" 

But then I heard the small breath coming from the beast behind me.

"It's out of the trap isn't it?"  

Archie gives a slow nod. The beast jumps out of the bubble and comes at me. I use my magic braclet to protect me and it tries to bite my arm. I blast a small blue fire at it and It bouces off me and runs through a garbage bin. 

Almost like its a ghost. It starts teleporting around when Archie says something not very helpful in this situation.

"Your capture technique is still weak,and you could use a couple more centuries of practice" 

We start running after the creature when I answer him with

"I will not be lectured by someone who licks their own butt!"

We will be together forever // Douxie Casperan x OC [1✓}Where stories live. Discover now