6. "Miller..."

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Douxie POV:

We were falling down to the ground. The wind was brushing across my face.

Steve was screaming and it was making my ears feel like bleeding out. I flick through my magic bracelet.

"Oh come on! Oh come on!"

"This is going to hurt!"




Steve yells between parts.

We all land on the ground with a loud thud and grunt.

"Ohhh goddd"

Steve groans as he rolls over.


The helmet that was covering his face was backwards. It turned around and he opened it.

"Oh, I can see"

"What just happened?" Steve asks

"Well, I just conjured an anti- gravity spell to slow our fall and keep us from dying, your welcome"

I sigh sitting up.

"Douxie, where is the flying castle?" Claire asks looking up at the sky

"Oh fuzz buckets"

"Well it seems we've had ourselves a temporal accident..."

"Which means..."

Then a bunch of horses with knights riding on them emerged from the bushes.

The were shouting words out like:


"Get them!"

Someone from behind me steps up in front of all of us and draws a sword. It was Laylah. I didn't realise she was here.

"Laylah what are you doing here?!" I say in surprise.

She scoffs

"What do you think? I fell just like you"

I found the scoff rude but she had a right. I had asked a stupid question

"It means we are lost in time"

"What manner of sorcery is this?" The knight asks as he pulled his helmet off his head. He flicked his hair around as his hair moved in all different types of motions.

"What manner of sorcery is this?"


Laylah POV:

We were falling from the sky. My hair behind me wiping everywhere.

I look over at douxie flicking through his magic bracelet trying to find something.

"Oh come on! come on!"

That's when a wave of green light appears in front of me. A small image of Merlin appears.

"Oh god Laylah please take care of those kids in my absence"

Was all he said.

Merlin turned and looked me in the eyes. He was sending a message to me by pure magic.

"You know what to do..."

I nod before the void between worlds closes

By that time, I had bumped into a bit of Douxie's magic. He was doing an anti gravity spell.

We will be together forever // Douxie Casperan x OC [1✓}Where stories live. Discover now