45. Tea and Biscuits P.2

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Douxie POV:

"Oh, a "real monster," eh?" I argue with Archie as we sit with our tea and biscuits in front of us.

"You think you're the only one with father issues, hmm?"

"Archie, why did you make your dad sound like a terrifying beast?" I ask calmly

"Truthfully, I was embarrassed"

"Dad's a walking pun factory" Adeline and Archie said together.

"The legends seemed better than the truth"

"Then again, compared to Merlin, who was..."

"Not the type to make tea and biscuits" I finish. I hold the staff close to me.

"Yes, and now that he's, well, gone"

"I'm more worried about you and Laylah. You know you two can talk to me, right?"

I forgot that Laylah wasn't here or her feelings about how Merlin was dead. I saw how she reacted and I'm sure she has had more effect then me.

I sigh

"I can't help but think... what if Merlin was more like Charlie? If he hadn't saved me in that alley, would I be a completely different wizard?"

"We don't get to choose everyone that comes into our lives" Archie says look at Adeline

"Or when they leave...." I say putting the staff down.

Archie runs up to me and gives me a nice hug. Adeline was a little uncomfortable and stepped back.

"Hey, come on sister, you deserve a hug too!" Archie said looking at Adeline.

Her face lit up an she ran into us both.

"So this Laylah girl...is she nice?" She asks sweetly

I nod, "Yeah! Your going to love her!"

"That's good...." She says

"Ta-da! Would you believe they were on my head the whole time? " Charlie chuckles nervously.

I wanted to hurry this up but I didn't want to be rude at the same time.

"Please. Just tell me what it says" I ask politely


He peers closely

"Hisirdoux, if anyone could figure this out, it'd be you... Since you're reading this, clearly, I'm dead. I kept many secrets close at hand, but now I entrust you and Laylah with this, my final one.....

"The Genesis Seals can be reached.... By destroying my staff"

I couldn't believe what he was saying. This couldn't be true.

"What? Wait, destroy his staff?"

Charles walked towards me, his head held high.

"There's no time to waste, my boy. You've got a world to save!"

"A wizard's staff is everything to them"

"Look are you sure that you translated it correctly?"

I started to back up into a ditch. Charles still walking forward.

"Dad?!" Archie said trying to get in between us.

"Wait! Don't rush me!" I argue.

I wasn't ready to let Merlin's staff go. And Laylah wouldn't either.

"Douxie, Dad, play nice!" Archie yells trying to stop everything.

Adeline was behind all of us. She wasn't good with these situations. I could tell just by looking at her.

I blast a small magic ball at fire at him

"Stay back!"

"Careful, boy. You're playing with fire" He argues

"Oh, dear" Adeline and Archie dwell.

"Never challenge a dragon"

That's when Archie had an idea"

"Father, Hisirdoux, I miss him, too. But you know, Merlin's not the only family you had"

I put my head low and slump myself down on a stack of books.

"He's right. Family isn't only who you have. It's also who you're with"

Charlie started to form a story.

"Did you know, Archibald used to be the cutest little dragon you've ever seen?"

He holds up a picture of Archie.

"Father, please!" Archie argues trying to tug the picture out of his hand.

"Burn that!"

"Archie always wanted to explore the world, even before he took his first form, and when he chose a cat, that broke my dragon heart. He became a familiar—"

"A lower profession" I say slowly realising where this was going.

"But if a cat is what he wants, a cat is fine with me"

"I realized I had to let him go, so he could spread his wings and soar"

"And accepting that set me free"

"And when my little Adeline wanted to be like her older brother, I realised that no matter what I could do, I couldn't change who my children wanted to be"

"And r-r-right now, your people look to you—to stand up, to lead"

Smoke ran around me.

"I know your still grieving, I know this is too much"

Steve, Jim, Claire, Laylah and Merlin appear around me.

"But in order to save your family—to save the world—you must let him go"

I knew I had to let him go.

I turn around to him and raise the staff.

"Do it. Destroy it"

Charles starts blasting fire at the top of the staff.

Some tears roll down my face.

There were cracks and the staff blasts out of nowhere.

I was being teleported somewhere.


Laylah POV:

We were all anxiously waiting for Claire to return when I felt somewhere come over me.

Grey smoke goes around me. I start to freak out. What was it?

I started to get teleported somewhere.

"Laylah!" Everyone yelled before I was swept away


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