17. One of my own

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Laylah POV:


But before Jim was executed Morgana stepped in front of Arthur

"What? What are you doing?!"

"What I should have done years ago"

"You dare raise arms against your king"

Claire runs to Jim and helps Jim up. I stood there in shock looking at the situation in front of me.

"Get back here, you gravel eater" Lancelot was pointing a cross bow at Jim.

"Claire!" I yell turning to her as a bow was shot right towards them.

"No!" She yelled as she flashing some dark magic the arrow. It slowly stood still in mid air and fell to the ground.

"What the...she's a wit—"

But Steve was one step ahead of Lance for once. He jumped from behind and mashed his head.

I gave Steve the thumbs up and he smiled.

"I knew it was you! You defied me, freed those monsters and now attack your own blood"

"What possesses you?!"

Arthur yells

"Clarity of mind, brother"

I was on the other side of the forest in the shadows when I saw Merlin and some knights on the other side.

"Morgana? She takes Arthurs life?"

"No! No! Wait, Wait! We don't have to fight oh—"

Douxie was trying to talk to Merlin but he got flung back by Merlin's magic.

"Doux!" I yell

"Defend the king at all costs!" Merlin yells

"You, too old man!" Morgana yells

"I do what I must for the greater good!"


"You throw us in chains, fearing what you cannot control, but we of magic are not lesser creatures, we are more!"

"Stop! We found another way!" Claire yelled

"We can do this peacefully"

"The time for peace ended long ago"

"Morgana, he's not the enemy!"

"I trusted you! And now you side with my brother over your own kind"

"Your just one of them! Your all against me, but there's one who is not"

I held my breath when she said that sentence.

I suddenly was pulled straight to Morgana. She was controlling me with her magic. I tried to break free or over ride her control. But I couldn't even move.

"Laylah!" Douxie screamed

I tried to turn my head to face him but I couldn't do anything.

I was hopeless


Douxie POV:

"We can do this peacefully!"

"The time for peace ended long ago"

"Morgana, he's not the enemy!"

"I trusted you! And now you side with my brother over your own kind"

We will be together forever // Douxie Casperan x OC [1✓}Where stories live. Discover now