16. True Form

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Douxie POV:

"Using magic on the king? Or you mad?!" Merlin bursts

"Take the beast down!"

"Arthur no!!" Morgana yells, Claire and Laylah were behind her

"Squire Steve, will you do the honours?" Lancelot yells across the field thro wing a sword.

But Steve wasn't quick enough. He was thrown to ne ground.

"Careful squire, show the beast no sympathy" Arthur yelled

The nights throw chains around the beast and pulled him out of the shadows and into the run light.

"Huzzah! Huzzah!" They yelled from the victory


Laylah POV:

The beast was pulled into the sunlight by chains. He suddenly turned to stone.

"Huzzah! Huzzah!" The knights scream

But then suddenly Bular comes out of the bushes and stomps on the ground. I gasp

"Bular the butcher!"

"The gumm-gumm prince himself!" Galahad states about to hit him with a sword but gets hit by Bular's hand

Lancelot does the same act but gets the same consequence. I giggle trying not to burst our laughing.

All the knights try to go at him but they all get bashed to the ground. Arthur steps up and tries to take on him. But Bular grabbed him by his head and bashed him against a tree.

I couldn't do anything to help. If I did I would break my trust and loyalty to Morgana. Back at the start of when I was found. I was always on Morgana side with the troll along with. Merlin however, just did what Arthur told him to.

"I'll drink your blood out of a goblet made of your skull! I'll cave you open let your guts spill out!" Bular threatened

"My King!" Galahad yells

"Arthur!" Lancelot cried out

I was holding my breath at this point. But before Bular was about to stab Bular, Douxie and Merlin were already a step ahead.

Douxie used a magic rope to hold Bular's hand up from stabbing Arthur

"There's no spilling anything today!"

Merlin uses his staff and puts a net over Bular which held him to the ground.

I ran over to Douxie to check if he was okay.

"Doux! Are you alright?"

"I'm okay Laylah, you?"

"Yeah I'm fine"

Bular grunted trying to wiggle out of the magic net holding him in place.

"Finish it then flesh bag!" He scowled

His eyes soon where drawn to me. His eyes lit up as he gasped

"Miller" He yelled

Douxie soon stepped forward and placed his arm in front of me.

"I'll tell you who your truly are! If you help me get out of these chains..." He said firmly

Arthur soon came over and knocked him out with his sword.

"The spawn of Gunmar, I won't dull Excalibur's edge with you"

"Drag this monster back to Camelot!" Arthur yelled

We will be together forever // Douxie Casperan x OC [1✓}Where stories live. Discover now