20. Lady of the lake P.2

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Laylah POV:

Douxie flicked through his spell book. Claire was staring straight ahead with no emotion. On the other hand, I was worried. Would Merlin forgive me? What about Morgana?

Yes, she did teach me in the first place but I don't know I just have a strange feeling.

"Okay, uh put your hands out like this" Douxie commanded and Claire and I placed our hands in front of us.

"Beyond there is your destination, your emotional anchor"

"Got it"

"Then pull the magic around you, that will your door to the shadow realm"

Claire and I slowly pulled the magic around. Claire was having some trouble and stopped for a second.

"That's it, that's it, Steady" Douxie said softly

"Claire....." A voice echoed. A flash of Morgana flashed between my eyes. I think Claire could see it too.

"Laylah....." Her voice echoed again. Another flash came. I tried to stay in connection with the shadows as best as I could. It was hard, my feelings could soon wash over me or more so control me completely.

"Focus, eyes on point, mind on anchor"

"You got this!"

Another flash came this time of Jim then Merlin.

"I'm scared" Claire whispered

"Magic is emotion, don't let fear control you, use it"

"Stay true to yourself"

"That will protect you from the shadows"

Even between his sentences more and more flashes came upon us. It was getting very difficult to keep on point.

"Uh, doux...." Claire stammered

"Don't be afraid Claire, this is your magic with Lay's you can control it"

Another flash with a piercing voice screaming in pain.


"Keep your eyes on point" Douxie corrected again. But Claire and I couldn't

"No!" Morgana yelled as she turned pale grey and black eyes with cracks all over her.

Claire and I let go and put and hands on our heads to make the flashes stop. But soon we were sucked through the portal and were thrown into the shadow realm.


Douxie POV:

"Claire!" Steve yelled

"Laylah!" Archie and I yelped

I started to go around in circles.

"Douxie! How do we bring them back?" Archie asked trying to jump into action.

"It's ok, it's ok, it's going to be fine!"

"Fine?! Shadows just ate them alive man!"

"What are we going to do?!"


Laylah POV:

"Woah! It actually worked, kinda" Claire said looking around.

"This place hasn't changed a bit"

"So how come Merlin forbid you to come back here?"

"That's the question isn't it" I answered. She was right. I never knew why.

We will be together forever // Douxie Casperan x OC [1✓}Where stories live. Discover now