10. Spellcasters

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Douxie POV:

"We spellcasters should be fleeing to the wild wood not slaving away for that fool" Morgana argued

"Mind your tongue, Morgana, you speak treason against our king"

"I speak truth, after all Arthurs done, why build this amulet for him?"

The two went back and forth and Laylah and I entered the room. I stood there and watched as Laylah took a book of the self and opened it. I wasn't sure what it was but she seemed rather interested about it.

"Gunmar's war is a threat and the amulet with end it"

I look around the room to see the time map on a shelf. I slowly walk over the map.

"Aloochan Gloria Meia!" Merlin changed but the pieces on the amulet flew everywhere. I ducked so I didn't get hit by one.

"Blast it all!"

"Hisirdoux, stop gawking about give me a hand with those raw ores over there!"

I groan. "Apologies, Master"

Laylah looks up as I walk away. She places the book back on the self and walks towards the two spell casters.

"How many more failures before you realize this amulet is pointless?"

"I hear your concerns, but trust, the amulet will bring peace"

"At the cost of all we hold dear" Small objects around the room start to float up in the air. The edges of each object are golden magic.

"How long before he comes for us? You're a fool merlin, and an old one at that"

Morgana walks out of the room and Laylah sadly watchers her go. I wasn't sure why.

"Oh, forget her we got this right!

I put my hand up in front of Merlin as a high-five

But of course, we were 900 years before the present so Merlin wasn't familiar with this type of gesture.

"What is this strangeness?"

"Put your hand down"

"It's a high five. It's a sigh of victory amongst barbarian tribes" I reply convincing Merlin otherwise

"It's- It's a new thing"

"Human customs are terribly odd" Archie adds on

I walk over to where all the objects that where in the air before were on the floor. So was the time map. I was just about to pick up the time map when Merlin used his magic to pick up all the object and put them into a magic safe.

"You don't seem yourself today, Hisirdoux, well except for your inability to tidy up"

"No more distractions, go milk the slorr"

"But I-"


"I'm very impressed at how remarkably bad you are at impersonating yourself" Archie said to me and I walked out of room. But I turned around and looked at Laylah. She was still standing there looking at the blue prints for the amulet.

"Laylah?" Merlin says which makes her jump.

"Yes?" She answers

"Everything okay?"

She nods with a smile "Yep"

She saw me looking at her. "If you want I could help Douxie? I mean you don't want another mess to deal with, do you?" She chuckles

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