12. Levitation

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4 years ago (in the present time in the past)

(15-year-old) Douxie POV:

I walked around the castle halls really bored. There wasn't anything to do. Laylah was with Morgana and Merlin was with King Arthur.

Ever since I met Merlin I've always wanted to control magic of my own. But Merlin said I find it with in, but to be honest I don't know how too.

I walk inside the workshop and take a look around.

"What are you doing?" Archie asked walking behind me

I didn't answer. I was flicking books all across the room.

"Douxie! Your making a huge mess"

I still didn't answer.

"Aha! Found it!" I say grabbing a dark blue book I started to flick through the pages one by one.

Archie jumped on the table and look down on the book.

"Here it is, a magic detection spell casting bracelet"

"And why do you need this?" Archie asks crossing his arms

"Merlin said I had to find my magic within, this can help me get a head start"

"Are you sure Merlin would be okay with this?"

I shrug at this point I didn't really care what Merlin would say. I walk around the room opening draws and cabinets.

~- 5 hours later-~

It was around 10pm at night and I had finishing polishing the edges of my new magic possession. I slipped the bracelet on to my right arm.

I flick through the setting and started it up. I clicked a random spell and sparks of light flew around the room. I started to levitate off the ground.

"Woo-hoo!" I say punching the air.

I was so proud. This thing took 5 hours to make but it was worth it.

But suddenly Archie and other objects in the room started to levitate.

"Woah! Douxie!"

"Hang on! I got it!" I say quickly flicking through the spells again.

But Merlin and Laylah walking into the room and they started to levitate too.

"Hisirdoux what is happening here?!" Merlin asked

"No need to panic lets me just reverse this and it will all be as it was!"

Merlin rolls his eyes and grabs his staff

He punches it in the air as everything that was flouting turned green. We were all slowly placed down on the ground.

Merlin sighed.

"Hisirdoux what have you done?"

"What do you mean? I haven't done anything, all I have done is created a magic generated source into accessory"

I say show-casing the source on my arm.

"Woah, Douxie! That's amazing how long did that take?!" Laylah asked with astonishment.

"Hisirdoux, I told you that you have to find it within"

"I know, I know, but this will help me at least get a head-start"

Merlin sighed.

"Fine, but if a situation happens like this again I will be taking that thing away from you"

We will be together forever // Douxie Casperan x OC [1✓}Where stories live. Discover now