38. All this time....and you never told me

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Laylah POV:

"Nari, Trollhunter, Miller" "You are mine"

The Green Knight snickers

"We're outmatched! Everyone, fall back!" Merlin yells

"He's unstoppable" Douxie grunts

"Come to us Laylah! You don't know your power you possess" Bellroc says looking at me

"What?" I whisper

"Leave the girl alone Bellroc, she has nothing to do with this!" Merlin yells walking in front of me

"Even your pathetic master knows our plan, but yet he still doesn't bother to tell his partner the power she possesses"

"Allow us to make it a bit easier for you Merlin...." Skrael smiles as a bit of cold air comes from his mouth as he talks.

"Laylah Miller, ever since Morgana found you in the forest, you must have sure been wondering who your parents are?"

"The truth is, your mother was an angel and your father were a demon, which turned out that their child was an angel and a demon...."

I gasp and so does everyone else. Did I hear correctly. They have it wrong. I couldn't be.

"We need both beings to open the seals, we need you Laylah, come with us and you will be rewarded" Skrael and Bellroc scowl

They were getting into my head. I slump myself on the ground.

Douxie rushes to my side.


Tears roll down my face. It couldn't be true. Merlin wouldn't lie to me. He never.....

"Morgana knew too, but both lied to you. How does it feel Miller? How does it feel to be betrayed by your loved ones?! The ones that you held so dearly close to you?!

"Morgana knew......all this time.....my magic had been messing up.......because I'm an angel and a demon....." I whisper trying to stop myself from crying even harder.

"Stop filling her head up with these lies!" Douxie yells pointing his staff towards the Arcane Order.

"Foolish boy, your master just wanted her for her power, he wanted her all himself, he never wanted her to be his partner because of her humanity...." They replied

I couldn't believe but I was hearing.

"Master is this true?" Douxie asks looking over at Merlin

"All this time..." I whisper

"And you never told me........" I glare at Merlin. He looked sad.

But I was angry. I wanted to punch that old man right in the face.

"Do you feel the anger Laylah?! You need to show Merlin your true form!"

They just wanted me for my magic. Everyone did...

"Enough wondering about! I never wanted Laylah for her power! I would have killed her when I found out of her power if she wasn't dear to me...."

Emotions waved over me. Anger, sadness...

But there was gratitude...

Merlin did keep me alive at the cost of the whole world. The arcane needed an angel and a demon and I was it. It would've been wise to kill right then and there. But for some reason he didn't...

We will be together forever // Douxie Casperan x OC [1✓}Where stories live. Discover now