52. Her Navy-Blue Eyes P.2

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Laylah POV:

I wake up to a ray of light struck my eyes open.


There was another person in the room. I slowly sit up to see Douxie on the table.



We both question. Then there was a sigh of relief.

"Mordrax's miracles!" We both chuckle

"If this is the afterlife, we must surely be in—"

"Hello, there children" A deep male voice calls. I quickly form my staff in front of Douxie and I to only realise that none other than Merlin himself self-standing in front of us.

"What? Master! Your-your not dead!" Douxie and I stutter.

There was no way Merlin was alive and well.

Merlin laughs

"Magic may be mastery over life but I am most certainly deceased, you saw me vaporize into soot"

"The question really is... why are you here? Hmmm?"

I put my staff away and walk over to Merlin and I lean against a small desk. Meanwhile Douxie got up and tried to look out of the stain glass window.

"I see you translated my grimoire" Merlin smiles

"You wrote it in Draconic!" Douxie and I say with a bit of anger and frustration.

"Ancient Draconic. You figured it out, didn't you?"

"Though you somehow did the exact opposite of my extremely specific instructions"


Douxie chuckles a bit.

I felt something in my pocket. It was long and rectangular. I slowly put my hand inside it and pull out the letter that had appeared on top of the book when Merlin died.

It was still sealed.

"Uh...I knew you wouldn't approve. But I came up with my own plan. No regrets" Douxie continued

Merlin and I gave a quick glance at each other. He looked at the letter then back at me with a small smile.

I guessed that he wanted me to open it.

I slowly pealed the back off.

"Yes. I can see you longer need my validation. Remember when I told you that magic is mastery over life?"

"900 hundred years you've guarded this realm"

"You've disrupted time, freed ancient beasts, fought to save on life at the risk of countless others"

They started to walk around the room. I followed them taking the letter out of the envelope.

I opened it

It read:

Dear Laylah Miller,

When I first met you, I was cautious of your humanity and your nature. If you don't know this already you are an angel and a demon.

Your father was a demon and your mother was an angel. There is more information about this in the envelope that came with this letter.

As you grew older I knew you wouldn't need me anymore and you would lead a path of your own.

We will be together forever // Douxie Casperan x OC [1✓}Where stories live. Discover now